Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift

Can’t see it either.

Metadata says it’s Truth and Reconciliation, which sucks. Bah. Bad crisis at the worst time.

Copy paste from the interweb

Well the cards certainly wouldn’t hurt me but it’d be great to brig Cylon #2 so easily.

truth and reconciliation

Dunno what the not loading issue is. I see it fine on my end :/

Fuck me if I know who the second cylon is, he’s better at hiding that Littlefinger (book version). Maybe the new Admiral.

Ok you three, who’s the Cylon? Defend yourselves! I’ll have to review the post sleeper action tonight so I can make an informed decision here.

Which basestar will be jumping in?

The rule is the highest numbered space, which means that Basestar 4 is coming, along with his raider buddy.

Ah screw it, option 1 for me - Otis in Chains - I look forward to the New Adventures of the Old Admiral Fisk. Gina, I apologize for locking you up in the bathroom but our primary jail cell seems to be occupied already.

I’m trusting that Kat is human as that -1 Food/-1 Morale crisis was pretty brutal. 3 positive cards really helped.

Yeah, odds-wise, I support it, but you might be the cylon too.

You are the best Cylon I have ever seen… Or an
annoying meatbag

That was the wrong decision. I hope you didn’t just lose the game for humanity. Unless you’re the Cylon, in which case well played.

This will be an interesting post game.

Ok moving pieces, setting Rowe’s turn. @rowe33 tactics or leadership?

Tactics please. @CraigM

@rowe33 have fun sorting this out

So…I’ve only got one course of action right now, given what would otherwise happen next turn (assuming I’m right.)

Discard Politics 1(CP), move to Quorum Chamber & activate it. Draw a card (no special ability.)



I’m calling for a fleet-wide vote. The former Admiral has been brought up on charges of treason and crimes against humanity. After a lengthy investigation, I have discovered the prisoner has colluded with the Cylons in a highly pervasive manner in an effort to destroy the fleet. So I hereby call for every man, woman, and child in the fleet to make their will known. Should the prisoner live or die?

HA, just kidding, this isn’t that type of democracy. The prisoner known as Gina Inviere is hereby sentenced to die. The execution will be carried out immediately. May the Twelve have mercy on her metallic soul.
