Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift

Well, there’s not one great choice here.
Repairing would be good, but would leave 2 unprotected and likely to be shot by the former CAG (I think).
XOing me would mean I could protect 2 and make me get more cards later.
Jumping would clear the field of cylons… which would come back very soon because the persuit track doesn’t reset.
With Command on Galactica, you could put a viper on 2, but XOing me would be better.
Shooting a raptor is too weak sauce, a BS only if you can kill it because it’ll probably heal.

So, maybe XOing me, though those stims might be an issue again later.

I think the XO is the way to go here. Got to get Kat out of sick bay so we get those cards.

Good enough for me.

I’ll play Leadership 1 (XO) to XO @Perky_Goth

Well, rowe made the fuel choice after you would have jumped, i guess he would have decided otherwise on that particular crisis.

The other consideration being you would jump at -3 and jump 3 you would lose 6 cards as well.

But jumping a short distance at -3 pop would have been good i admit

I don’t think there are that many 3 for 2 destinations in the game and they already had one.
So i still favor our chances

Right. I jump out of bed straight to the hangar again like a damn junkie and launch on 3 on the AR, launch an unmanned viper on 3 and then move myself to 2.

Well this isn’t going to be fun for team human…


Also @Otthegreat you may draw your final card now.

I do so love riots

I will take a treachery @CraigM

+1 food, -1 morale

EDIT: damn jpegs, it was -1 food, but still

I’ll take another Politics, please.

Ok, -1 food, -1 morale.

3 more Raiders in 4

@Otthegreat your fifth card sent

@jeffreyb your draw sent. You may take your turn.

Action stations humans evil cackle


Well that’s ugly as frak. I can do a little more than my fair share here though. Would it be helpful to know what everyone’s laying down here?

The good news for team human: only one Cylon can contribute one card.

The bad news? Everything else. Jeffrey was positively giddy for this, you will be shocked to hear.

Barf. I’m trying to figure out what to say without breaking the rules… I can help, but not enough.

Feel free to tank.

You’re joining me in the bar to watch the spectacle @soondifferent

I can help, but it’d barely make a difference.

So, can you pass this or not?

It’d be just the two of us then…I can make the cards open but we’d probably need a little help from Destiny (which seems likely, given the check.)

I think we have to go for it or we’ll get destroyed.

I have a feeling this is not a good idea, but 2 cards.
The drunken cylon has no cards, so go ahead, Mr. President @rowe33

Fantastic. Summoning all Fisks to the bar.