Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift


Oops sorry, Yellow 6

Ok so @Knightsaber you flip card 3…

It is purple 2. Do you keep it, or put another point/ guess out?

Can I keep it and then airlock myself / bow out?

Jorn +2
Perky +0 @Perky_Goth power choice?
Rowe +2
Lantz +1 BUT… do you use your card?

Err, draw from the green deck.

I will use it.

Ok I’m on the ground in India. Lantz uses his card, a 3, to move ahead 6.

Perky draws a card, and we all pick the next round (no picture yet since I’m still trying to sort wifi)

Two red!

6 Yellow

5 green

2 Yellow

And @Jorn_Weines nails it.

@Jorn_Weines +4
@Lantz +3
@Perky_Goth +3
@rowe33 +2


Jorn = 8
Lantz = 9
Perky = 9
Rowe = 5

Round 4 start, though @Perky_Goth you could substitute your card if you wish.

1 Yellow

6 yellow

5 Green

3 red

The suspense is real.

Obviously we need to start the pre-game race over - no one remembers where everyone was, etc, fresh start!

@CraigM Need me to step in here, man?