Battlestar Galactica 24 - These aren't the Craigs you're looking for

Just need to know @Otthegreat’s final draw and we’re all good to continue. Assuming no-one can spot any mistakes. Which are pretty likely as so much has happened this turn.

Leadership, please.

That was a good destination.

Hand updated.

We escorted 2 of the 3 civilians out of space 2 right?

Yeah, but then two new civvies decided to rubberneck the derelict basestar.

So CIC looks tempting if we could disable the tubes and or hangar. We can stop the track and nothing happens on the main board

Yeah. Are we allowed to know the distribution of the basestar damage tokens?

Simple. There’s one launch, one missile, one structural, and one double damage.

Ah, thanks, decent. Though it’ll be a shame to roll too high and destroy the basestar early. Does the structural damage mean that we only shoot ourselves in the foot on a roll of 1?

Or we shoot it with weapons to be safe

50% chance of success vs 50% chance of overkill. Hm.

EDIT, that’s not right, I forgot about structural damage for the first. Weapons control is probably a good idea.

I’ll launch an unmanned viper in 3, and escort one of the civilians in 2.

OK, here’s your crisis.


@Otthegreat: your choice.

Ouch, I have a decent hand I’d hate to lose but I think the only options here are the discards or tanking the check. I still wouldn’t be able to adjust the roll.

The discard seems more efficient. It avoids reckless from a tank as well.

But your the best judge of your hand.

Passing the check is off the table I think

Discard is probably more efficient than passing it anyway, isn’t it?

Another vote for discard if possible.

That settles it then. Good point about reckless too.

I’ll go with the discard

two leadership for my choice please

Narcho’s discards:
Leadership: 4DE
Tactics: 0TI
Piloting: 4MF, 5MF

Raiders launch. Jump prep at 20%.

@Otthegreat: you may move one space zone if you wish.