Battlestar Galactica 24 - These aren't the Craigs you're looking for

The cards are supposed to be on my side!

0 cards


Will try to avoid reckless and hey, you never know!

2 cards @rho21

Crisis Recap


Player contributions:
jeffreyb: 2 cards
Everyone else: 0 cards

Tactics: 1LS, 2LS

Leadership: 0AHoD
Treachery: 4VO

Total: 0 = fail (All Hands on Deck adds +1 for itself.)

Reckless avoided, but Lee suffers Violent Outbursts anyway and heads to sickbay.

Population -1, jump prep remains at zero.

The cylon fleet jumps in.

I’m at work so I can’t make a new board, but here’s one I prepared earlier. I believe it’s correct except:

  • Lee has 6 cards
  • Destiny has 10 cards.
  • Cally is about to draw a second card.
  • Pursuit should be at 0.

@scottagibson: you’re in the resurrection ship, so you get to draw any 1 card. What’ll it be?

@Otthegreat: What am I doing this turn? I can activate raiders, or I can damage galactica and something else, maybe force civvy placement.

Ok, don’t want to hold things up.


I’ll take an engineering card, please. Then I’ll move to the Cylon Fleet location and Activate Raiders.

Engineering card handed out. What order would you like to activate the raiders in? I think it only matters if the raiders in zone 2 destroy the assault raptor and both civvies, in which case the other zones can shoot at Galactica rather than moving.

Zone 2, then 5, then 1.

OK, 8 activations in zone 2.
First roll is a 7. Finally a hit! Would anyone like to play a card to affect that?

Em 1 please

OK, still 8 to go. Next roll is an 8.

Cmon em 1

Still 8 to go. 5, 5, 1, 2, 8.

Em 2 pff

4 rolls left. Another 8.

I’m out, feel free to use Lantz his em

I’m heading home now anyway, so I’ll give @Lantz a short while to show up and join in the fun of random numbers.

Which of course means @Lantz has cards to play. Sigh.

Well, you Can’t complain about those rolls!

We need one civvie to survive at least…
Or we’re doomed