Battlestar Galactica 26: Winning the Marathon

Any of those, but the heavies are harder to hit. But! We have to get rid of them sometime.

How is it this messy already?

Ugh. Long day.

I’m not a great fan of shooting the basestar. They’re tough to kill and reappear so quickly on the pursuit board. Raiders are more effectively destroyed by fighters. The civvies are a good thing to deal with when there aren’t cylons attacking. The heavies, however, are a legitimate threat this early.

@CraigM: So I’m going to move to Command (discard 0RT) and get the unnamed pilot to take two shots at the heavy raiders.

I can neither confirm nor deny that the pilot’s name is Sara Prace, or if the Admiral is still in the FTL control room.

Lara Brace?

Too soon, man, too soon.

Tory, why do you keep talking? You’re just some journalist. Get out of my office. Romo, why is she here?

Tory’s currently handling all interactions with civilians for me.

I have good news! There will be no more heavy raiders to worry about.

Rolls 3,2

The bad news is why


I’ve got nothing for this - @Navaronegun

Play 1 Card.

All 3 remaining cards.


I have nothing 0 cards


3 cards. @CraigM

It ended with Romo Lampkin walking through the middle of the crowd, clearly in charge. The crowds were poised to storm the fortress, like legends of Zeus taking down Kronos, a resistance movement born of a desire to usurp. And as the crowds had reached critical mass, he had walked into their center and spoke…

But it began before that. With mutterings and ruminations of distrustful people. Slow ebb of discontentment spread, until a spark. Nobody knows who lit the match that would set the fleet ablaze, or at least nobody can agree, but no matter, it was done now.

So they gathered, or more precisely converged. Ready to demand what they felt was unjustly being hoarded by the military. The store rooms were in sight, an end to austere rationing for a time. But none had really grasped what was to come, so they were anxious to continue in their previous comfort.

But it was a leaderless motion, and that brought an opportunity. So in strode Romo Lampkin. Not the president, but with ambitions. Silver tongued and with a rapt audience he began to speak. And with one final word he convinced the crowd to…

Skill cards:

Politics 2CP,3IC,3IC
Leadership 3DE
Tactics 0QT,0QT,1LS,3SP
Treachery 3PV

Total +12 a pass… but!

@rho21 you may use Quick Thinking to remove a card, and you may Personal Vices. Choose the order, and choose what card, if any, to remove with QT

That is a lot of anxiety for what is, on paper, an easy solution…

Much as I’d love a positive card for my hand, I don’t want a mutiny, nor do I want everyone to take a treachery, nor least of all do I want the check to fail. So I’ll pick up the 3PV.

And diffuses things with a word.

Which is good, there’s big trouble brewing now. Heaviest move onto the centurion track. Jump prep +1

@rowe33 select your draw

I’ll take Leadership and try to finesse an XO for flexibility.

all set

Anyone have some good ideas here? The huge mass of raiders seems like more of a pressing threat than the centurions as they’ll likely activate a lot more often. I could punch us out of here at risk of some population or try to go shoot a centurion.