
There’s a part in that cutscene where she draws the magic symbol, then jumps up through it. At that point the angels become visible, her ‘friend’ becomes see-through, and while she’s fighting the angels it cuts between her with the angels visible, and him with impacts/etc with no visible source.

There is a lot of nonsense going on however.

Yeah I thought the spirit dimension stuff was pretty obvious from the cut scenes, but I also agree with Jarrod in that there is a ton of nonsense going on.

Well, the game opens with the line “In a world where perception is reality”, which should give you an idea – what each character sees is what is true to them, and is their world.

You’re right, that’s totally what happened. I thought the magic symbol just helped her change outfits.

I’m doing these moves now where she gets naked and giant animals appear and eat dudes. Then I have to slam the X button really fast to build GIGATONs. I don’t know why her nudity attacks are measured in GIGATONs but I love it.

Very little in the game makes any actual sense, but it’s all awesome nevertheless.

I thought this was a great game after I killed the Sage guy and she said “Don’t fuck with a witch!” and shot him in the head, and I had to guide the lipstick bullet around falling glass.

Then a giant god rocket was fired into space and I played as the other witch driving up the god rocket on her motorcycle and doing sick jumps across the deployment stages and it got better.

Then I had to fight God, and I punched God into the sun and it got better.

Then it had more fights during the closing credits and I thought “this is brilliant!”

Then, I saw the dance video, and Bayonetta clinched a spot in my favorite games ever list.

This has got to be one of the most awesome what the hell is happening games. I’m not sure why it took me so long to start it. It has been in my backlog for awhile, but popped it in and got through 3 chapters so far. The bosses are just completely insane, and the hair dragon thing that slams the bosses into a bloody pulp against the wall, WOW!

I decided to just have fun with this game, so am playing it on easy mode, but that seems to be perfect anyway. Trying to actually make sense of the action on screen and what I need to input, while having my eyes blown out with visual insanity just seems to be too much to ask.

The only things I’ve found that are incredibly frustrating is the secret levels where you have to kill enemies with certain stipulations, like limited punches and kicks or Wicked Strikes only.

How the hell do you do those? They feel like they’re impossible.

Alright, I just picked this up again after having set it aside for a few months and completely forgotten why I set it aside. It is because I AM CRAP. I am only in chapter 1, for fuck’s sake, and only playing on normal, so I will describe my pathetic situation without too much fear of spoilerification:

I am at the scene with the giant flying stone head with the two dragon heads stuck on, and I just cannot damage the fucking thing at all. The previous time I played this (I remember now) I hammered on this scene for an hour or so, but still I could not get the hang of the witch time at the right moments, and my life bar kept getting whittled down way faster than the boss’s. Last night I played through chapter 1, experiencing deja vu all the way, and then I got to that boss and it was like, oh yeah, this idiot, I remember why I stopped now.

I feel so unbelievably LAME for this, but really my frustration tolerance (after having two young kids) has dropped to excruciatingly low levels.

So my questions:

  1. Is that flying-head-with-two-dragons boss an easy one by this game’s standards, or a hard one?

  2. Any tips for killing the fuck out of it? (Beyond the obvious “learn its pattern, don’t get hit, and wail on it in witch time whenever it tries to bite you?”)

  3. If I am having trouble here on normal, should I just go back and restart on easy? Or does easy get stupid at some point later, and I should suck it up and get good at normal?

Everything else has been a breeze, but this goddamn flying head sucks rocks.

I would go easy if I were you. This game is an absolute blast on harder difficulties, so if you get hooked you’ll probably continue on to normal or even hard. But it is a difficult and demanding game, so you need to train your hands with it in order to be able to play. Shelving it is the worst thing you can do.

Fortitudo, the boss you are referring to, comes up more than once, so you need to be more specific. Either way, it’s difficult to say if he is easier or harder than the other bosses, because most of them are pretty trivial once you’ve defeated them once. You can’t really cheese your way through these guys, so you need to learn the pattern and master it. I guarantee, once you’re done you’ll wonder why you struggled in the first place.

If you are worried that you’ll get even a little bit frustrated, go easy right now.

If you’re a man, however, you should suck it up.

Bayonetta is extremely satisfying once you get the handle on combat. You could search for some youtube videos of the fight in question too. I never learned anything from them though, so for me it’s a matter of patience and retries.

Repo, what exactly are you doing on that boss? The strategy is pretty straightforward, so I’m assuming you’re just doing something wrong if you’re not doing any damage to it.

I said I was near the end of chapter 1, which means I am fighting Fortitudo on a narrow balcony rail that basically only lets you move left and right.

Well, the strategy obviously has to be wait until the dragon heads bite you, dodge them (activating witch time), beat the fuck out of them with witch time active while they’re near you, then keep dodging. But things like the giant head-twirl (seems nearly undodgeable) and the fireballs (hard to keep both heads in view to dodge from each head) are what keep nailing me. Tips would be very welcome indeed, because why not? I am not doing any damage to it because I keep getting beat down by its ranged attacks, whereas I can’t seem to damage it at all unless it’s biting onto the balcony at that moment. (If there’s some good way to damage it while it’s flying around at range, I’d love to know it!)

Yes, I know putting it aside is bad. I will probably give it one more shot on normal just to at least TRY manning up. Problem is my wife got her hands on Puzzle Quest 2 on XBLA last night, so I might not get any XBox time for quite a frickin’ while… oh well, I’ll just get Amnesia and shit bricks while I wait :-)

Hmm, I would say switch to easy if the first boss is giving you that much trouble. I don’t want to further discourage you, but that’s the easiest boss in the game. It gets harder and more insane the further you go, culminating in a ‘meat circus’ like difficulty level at the end of the game. It’s also one of my favorite games that I’ve played all year.

I can’t help but feel that there’s something silly you’re missing RepoMan, because that fight isn’t meant to be that difficult; I don’t even think the goal is to get his health all the way down in that section. Check out the first part of this video:

Good point from Zuwadza. You’re not going to kill him at this stage. Just keep dodging and getting hits in when you can. Remember to use your lollipops. Eventually he’ll go away (for a while).


I love Bayonetta.

You can shot that bastard with your guns for minorish damage output.

If all else fails, this is the winning strategy. Just keep shooting it for three minutes (square button on PS3, the one on the left), and dodge every attack.

If you trigger witch time when it bites with both heads, you’ll have time for a triangle-triangle-circle-circle-circle (top-top-right-right-right) combo with two wicked weaves. Then jump over one of its heads before its body beams you down.

But there’s no shame in playing through on easy, to learn its mechanics. If you unequip the marionetta, you’ll have full control over her moves.

Great tip on that. I finally did kick Fortunato’s ass (or at least I got him to run away), and then proceeded to complete chapters 2 and 3.

Only downside was in chapter 3 I figured out how to make my own health lollipops, and I started chomping down on them, and then discovered that they penalize you hugely at the end of each chapter for eating the lollies you make :-( That SUCKS! Why do they give you so many reagents (or components, whatever) if they are just going to slap you on the wrist for eating them??? (And you can’t even sell them, can you?)

Anyway, damn these Japanese games that actually insist you learn to play them well :-) I might go back to easy mode next just to learn the game. Thanks for the tip on unequipping the marionette – not even I want to be THAT lame!

Another hint, if you are up for some “cheating”.

For 200.000 halos you can buy the moon of malah-kala accesory (or something like that). This gives you the ability to negate 99% of attacks (even most boss attacks). There are two kinds of actions - one a relatively simple to time block and another block that requires really precise timing, that also counters the enemy and enters an improved witch time.

Getting it in the beginning really helps, because when you get it later you have to work it into your existing bayonetta muscle memory.

Now on to the “cheating”:
If you start at the beginning of chapter 2 (or wherever you start in the train station…) jump up to the second floor. Destroy all benches, except for one near the train. After you destroyed all benches, except for that last one, break that one too. There should be a whistle and the train starts to move. If you then jump on the train you drive into the tunnel, get 10.000 halos and get reset to the hall. Then you can restart the level and repeat this until you can afford whatever accesory you want to buy.

Believe me, the score at the end of each chapter shouldn’t concern you at your stage of game progress. The scores are for the pros and can easily be modified later on.