
Well, unfortunately…

Q: Will I still need a account if I no longer use the launcher after transferring to Steam?
A: Yes. Many of our games and services still rely on you to have a account. This will allow you to retain access to services including game mods, in-game items like skins, and access to exclusive news and updates.

That makes sense it wouldn’t entirely go away especially for something like Fallout 76 or other online games.

Oh Nice!

I don’t even care about the extra icon or password or anything of the sort. What really pisses me off is how all the non-Steam launchers frequently forget my password and make me log back in, inside an application where my password manager can’t autofill. Fuck that.

Origin, UPlay, Bethesda, Epic, they all do this. Only Steam got it right.

Maybe now I’ll remember I own Doom Eternal.

OMG I have the exact same issue. I got it on DEEP sale and then noticed only AFTER I bought it that it was a Bethesda code.

Yeah, this is the kind of cruft that bothers me. I just want to play my game, Steam has been really good at getting out of the way and letting me do that. I’m in your boat with the password manager thing, it means I have to go out to my vault, find the login, manually copy and paste it in, etc. It’s just annoying to go through every other time I want to play a game on those services (at least it feels like it’s every other time).

It’s one of the things I like about having my games centralized somewhere. If I have to go through that, at least I just have to do it once. But when I have one game on Bethesda, one on Epic, one on Uplay, etc. it can get annoying fast. First world problem of course, but still! I’m not sad to see a launcher like BethesdaNet go, it wasn’t adding anything to my experience. Certainly nothing to justify it’s existence from an end user point of view.


Here’s hoping the similarly idiotic Rockstar launcher is the next one to go…


I wonder why Steam and not the ever popular MS store. Exclusively :)

I’m really happy Microsoft is all for putting their games on Steam. I don’t really know who to credit over there, but the company sure seems to have turned a corner after Nadella replaced Ballmer. Don’t force the Windows Store down people’s throats and especially don’t do it until the store is made significantly more reliable.

They updated the sunsetting announcement page with details of the date you can start the migration, for those that use the Bethesda launcher: April 27 (in case anyone didn’t want to find the link up thread where @stusser posted it).

Legacy titles are moving to Steam now.

Daggerfall must have been amazing at the time. I wonder how it passed me by.

It’s still amazing.

I played Battlespire quite a bit - it was quite crashy unfortunately, but it was rather good for its time, but probably unplayable by todays standard.

Transfer of the few games in BethesdaNet went smoothly and done. I didn’t have any installed but the ones transferred all show up on Steam. Bye!

Oh so it does. Bye at least one launcher. Battlenet next please.

June 12th is the Xbox and Bethesda showcase.

It was, it was a mess as well. I remember being absolutely blown away at the dungeons, and also absolutely ticked off at falling through the world in said dungeons.

3D gaming has come a long, long way. I would rather watch 5 minutes of a YouTube playthrough on Daggerfall than replay Daggerfall in any way. But some folks want the nostalgia. Hell, part of me thinks I’d love another playthrough of the Clouds of Xeen, but again, as soon as I see it I’m sure I’d change my mind.

You’re welcome