Betrayal in game

Jan can steal just as well enough and adds a LOL factor through the rest of a game that CANNOT be beat. I’m sorry man, a certain line he just said (i’m actually the FARTHEST i’ve been in BG2 playing coop with my brother right now) in the underdark just made me about crap my pants.

Probably the best one in history. Truly awesome.

Man I had missed that… I have never seen a gaming moment so epic.

I’m interested in Yoshimos betrayal now, as I’ve never ever used him. SpookyKG is right, Jan’s comedy stylings just cannot be beat.

He’s fleet afoot and all that…
He’s skilled in avoidance…

I mean why WOULDN’T you use Yoshimo?

Jagged Alliance. A certain merc you loved will break your heart.

Neverwinter Nights 2.

My last Civ 4 game - but as it was Cathy. it probably doesn’t count.


Yes, if only they hadn’t worked so hard from the first minutes of the game to telegraph it so hard you’d have had to be deaf not to hear it coming. “Oh, your style is so odd.” “Oh, it’s odd, your style.” “Oh, it looked like a weakness, how odd.” YES OKAY I GET IT MY MASTER IS GOING TO BETRAY ME THANK YOU BIOWARE. Honestly, who here didn’t know it was coming by the time they left the cave?


While my opinion of Chrono Cross has dropped each time I’ve played it, the first time the Six Dragons gave me the finger was one of the most remarkable moments in gaming for me.

I’ve run all over two worlds, lost my body, lost my party, regained both, seen some freaky stuff I can’t explain, and then I’m running around getting help from the dragons to go and save the world, to fix the split in time that avoiding my death created, and I go and I do it and it’s terrible and weird and freaky and IT WAS ALL A SETUP so they could get the Frozen Flame, raise Terra Tower, and DESTROY HUMANITY.

I was so invested in the game, so into it, that I honestly had to get up and walk away from the controller for a few minutes.

In The World Ends With You, your second partner, Joshua, is a weird little git who’s generally cryptic and knows where Neku (main character) died, and how. Neku thinks for most of the second week that Joshua killed him, but then he discovers that it was this other crazy character who shot him. Then Joshua dies, saving Neku, and Neku goes the rest of the game feeling guilty for not trusting him.

And then you get to the end of the game, where you find out that:
[li]Joshua is, for all intents and purposes, God.[/li][li]Your death has only been part of a game to see whether or not Shibuya should stick around.[/li][li]Joshua did come to kill you, only Minamimoto showed up and fought Joshua. They traded bullets, with Joshua stopping the ones aimed at him in mid-air all Neo-like and Minamimoto running away.[/li][*]You’re sitting on the ground, staring at the retreating Minamimoto. Joshua is standing over you, smoking gun in hand, watching him run away. Then, WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING, he raises the gun a few degrees and shoots you in the back of the head.[/ul]Not the first time I shouted at my DS during that game.

Big betrayal:

Scarface: The World is yours, when I paid for that game expecting it to run on Vista and having working controls plus a working interface.

Remember when Square decided to put the next FF on the 360? That was a betrayalton. They really shot themselves in the foot, too. I don’t know if you guys know much about Japanese culture (I’m an expert) but blah blah honor blah blah respect blah blah giant robots blah blah and unless they publicly apologize they can kiss their business goodbye.


Wasn’t there also some betrayal stuff going on in Deus Ex?

Undying had a bit of the old double cross.

There was also one in Antara.

But I don’t think anyone cared.

I played a game of Space Station 13 where someone smacked me in the head with a toolbox, stuffed me in a locker and welded it shut.

I felt pretty betrayed there.

Also, Defcon. Every game. Whoever I’m allied with will be betrayed, horribly, without fail.

[B]Spoilers for Golden Sun!!!


In Golden Sun 2, it was revealed that in the first game, the bad guys were really the good guys (which means for the whole first game you play as the villains who are eventually successful), and you have to continue their mission or else the world will be destroyed. Then, the Wise One who is some sort of god turns the parents of the group into a three-headed monster that you have to kill to prevent you from activating the last lighthouse. Then, it turns out that the Wise One was really just testing you, however, one of the group has snuck off to absorb the incoming alchemy or magic or whatever to try and become a god.


In NOLF, there’s this person who isn’t who they claim to be, and this person who is working for both sides, and this person who claims to have an intimate working relationship with HARM when our heroine seems to be stuck in an overly elaborate death trap, and this person who ultimately betrays HARM, and this person who turns out to be the Director, and this person who defects from his country (although no surprise there), and these (three) persons who fake their own deaths.


In Vampire: Bloodlines, don’t open it.

Its not like its not on PS3. And its exclusive to PS3 in Japan, so, what exactly do they have to bitch about?

I thought Kefka’s betrayel in final fantasy really made the game.