Better Call Saul

Slow burn for sure. We had forgotten a lot of the plot intricacies so when we watched the premiere we felt a bit lost. Now we are taking an opportunity on a long plane flight to revisit season 3. Half the show is watching people plan, scheme, craft, and spy (on other people planning, scheming, and crafting). In that respect, the premiere isn’t any different.

A fantastic season opener, Mike is so good at doing his job. :)

Jimmy was just brutal toward Howard at the end of the episode.

Great recap that helped me get up to speed

I liked the opener. Mike in the warehouse was fun. Jimmy is such an asshole.

Exactly, it is (relatively) easy to make blowing shit up , or putting two ridiculously attractive people in sexual tense situation fun to watch. It takes real talent to make watching vegetation in the desert growing interesting.

OH, hey, thanks for sharing. That was awesome. And quick. I didn’t realize how much had happened in S3!

I may be a little slow, but what was the deal with the game Jimmy was playing with the copier guys?

My guess is he was disappointed at how easy it was. There was no satisfaction in it compared to his old scams or legal work.

As a classic movie nerd I loved this line (and I bet the people at AMC were … less pleased):

“One of the classic movie channels has White Heat unedited and uninterrupted. The other has Jaws 3 with commercials. So a real Sophie’s Choice.”

Another great episode. BTW I just wanted to second Tom’s appreciation of Rhea Seehorn, both for her performance as Kim and for how she looks in a tight skirt and stilettos (and they were crazy tall judging from that scene in Howard’s office – I hope she took them off right after).

I took that as sarcasm.

Of course, the real payoff for that line was Rhea Seehorn correcting him on the title of Jaws 3. I’m not ashamed to say I swooned a little.

The scene where she lets loose on Patrick Fabian was a real change of pace from how stoic she’s been so far. That was quite the moment. I really dig her style as an actress, too. No nonsense, no affection, no vanity. Just simple and forthright.


Was that the same actor playing Gale? Facial hair aside it just didn’t seem to be the same guy.

Yeah, it was definitely the same guy. Just older now. When did BB end, anyway? And we know that his character err, left the series at least two years before it wrapped up.

I wondered if it was a new actor too, but I’m too lazy to check IMDB.

Can anyone explain the final scene with Kim’s reaction? I am as clueless as Jimmy, but I feel like I should know more than he does. Maybe I missed something.

Jimmy is either already so damaged that he truly doesn’t care that his brother died at this point, or he’s still in denial and just acting like he doesn’t care. I suspect the latter, and I think Kim suspects the latter as well, but either way, Kim has been supportive of him and respectful of that.

I think hearing that letter though—what sounded like genuine affection and pride from Chuck toward Jimmy—that was too much for her to not break down and basically be sad for Jimmy. Especially after she’d suspected maybe the letter was going to turn out to be one last insult from Chuck and it was the opposite.

I think she’s conflicted because she wants to respect Jimmy, but can’t help some grief and emotion at the death of Chuck. She’s been pushing that down for Jimmy, but this letter brought it out.

I think it’s the same reaction she had when Jimmy told Howard that “it was his cross to bear” – she views Jimmy as transforming into something more callous than the person she feel in love with, and while she can rationalize incidents based upon how Chuck was an ass and Jimmy being affected by that death, it’s getting harder to justify those rationalizations.

And, in this instance, Chuck’s letter was not “one final dagger” at Jimmy as she feared - in fact, it was kind enough that I think she’s questioning her entire perception of Chuck and Jimmy’s relationship, and maybe Jimmy isn’t the person she thought he was…

It’s clearly this season’s arc - Kim’s relationship with Jimmy falling apart.

Kim was not privy to the final conversation between Jimmy and Chuck, where Chuck told him he never really cared about him. I don’t know if she’s even aware that it was Chuck who blocked Jimmy’s working at HHM as a lawyer all along.

She took the letter as sincere, where Jimmy saw it for the bullshit it probably was, considering he was paid off not to contest the will.

Thanks guys. @Desslock @WhollySchmidt Those ideas make perfect sense. I’ve been wondering how Kim falls out of his life and is so completely gone by the time BB rolls around. I guess this is the season that all plays out. She was so ferocious in her scene last week, defending Jimmy. I really wanted to see her with him, although clearly that’s not in the cards.

I suppose the scene of her looking at those models and her change of heart towards her assistant is just Kim learning to shoulder less of the detail and delegate? She is becoming a boss.

I’m not sure what the significance was with her zoning out and those models. Seemed to be hinting at something bigger than what we saw in the episode (also not sure what her trip to the courthouse was for, unless that was picking up the letter and will stuff?). But when a single episode seems to have significance outside of what’s shown on camera I frequently struggle to figure out if it’s because it’s laying the groundwork for something to be revealed later, or drawing on something I forgot about that happened in the last season.

I think she already had the letter and will stuff, but that’s a good point about the trip to the courthouse. I’m not sure where it all falls either, and like you, I often find myself wondering if I’m forgetting something from the previous season, etc.

I guess we will have to wait and see.