
Yeah, I can see it for BSG as well, but I’m a fan, so it’s different. Plus I view it as a lot more than just light entertainment, personally, since it’s serious science fiction that’s reflecting on our own society and has amazing characters. But then, perhaps people feel the same about Marvel characters, so then it makes sense.

I guess the distinction I’m making is that it’s not about whether it’s light entertainment or something more serious - there’s plenty of nerdy stuff I love that I’ll freely admit is fluff. But whether it’s serious or light, I just don’t need it to be part of some larger universe. Whereas it seems like for a lot of people, having multiple stories that all tie together is a big fucking deal. For me, I find that having to make all these stories fit just compromises the individual stories.

A post was split to a new topic: Netflix’s Bioshock movie

BioShock 4 rumor news:

The new Bioshock is in development hell.

Despite a complete change in development leadership, the Bioshock series is still haunted by the curse of problematic development.

In the summer of 2022 the project was rebooted for the fourth time. The constant changes in development teams and concepts do not bode well for the future of the series. The setting is probably staying the same but the game is currently being drastically rewritten.

More in the thread.

Had no idea that BioShock 4 was even a thing, but then again, AAA publishers just refuse to let a franchise die, even when it’s a stumbling zombie, howling at the skies, cursing its creators for not putting it out of its misery

Funny, was thinking of reinstalling the original recently. I quite enjoy the slower pace vs the sequels.