Birthers: Fringe or Base?

Living in Louisiana, it’s actually pretty hard to find people who don’t fit at least parts of the radical right wing stereotype. Fortunately in daily interactions, most people don’t talk about politics or religion, so I don’t encounter it too much. I have to see it on facebook though. Today when talking about movies, somebody told me that although they appreciated the way the film was crafted, they disliked how WALL-E was a huge “green” propoganda piece. The thought never even crossed my mind when watching it, but I guess I could be one of the brainwashed sheep.

I don’t think of myself as left wing, or liberal, or democrat, or any political label at all. I try to stay out of it as much as possible. I certainly don’t watch any of the cable news channels, or read political blogs, and I don’t even vote. But as a person who tries to think about things rationally, I just often find myself disagreeing with stuff I see from the right. I hate that there are two sides at all. Seems so dumb to me.

G. Gordon Liddy, a birther, gets confronted with evidence.

oh my god, these people. it really is a delusion.

Wow. G. Gordon has really slid downhill. I would go so far as to say he seems to be either slipping into dementia or medicated.


It’s not a birth certificate, it’s a certificate of live birth! Says so right on it!

Houngan, just what I was thinking. When my grandmother slipped into dementia she argued in much the same way as Liddy.

As for the original question, the answer is both. They’re the lunatic fringe that is now the base of the Republican party.

It’s plain and simple.

Barack is the first black president and racists can’t come out yelling the N word and other hate speak so they have the “birther” wacko group to get behind.

Evidence be damned. He’s black, they hate him. Anything they can grab onto and wave around they will.

You can’t convince them otherwise.

The problem is they drag a lot of non-racist folks in with them who now think the same as them.

It’s just nuts. They won’t change their minds even if you took them back in time and showed them the birth.

It’s amazing how Radio Host No. 2 somehow manages to almost lose the argument that Chris Matthews had hit out of the park before him. Amazing.

That makes me think I should try out for radio. Heh.

Yeah, he had a prepared couple of speeches and couldn’t go with the flow. To be fair, these days I could imagine being a liberal pundit leaves you somewhat disarmed when the initial argument actually goes your way.


Technically, wasn’t George Washington born in a British colony?

Yeah, but the Constitution made allowances for people who were “a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution.” Which George most assuredly was.

Otherwise, it’s just natural-born citizens allowed.

I take comfort in the fact that if this is the best they’ve got to go after Obama with, we’re set. They have nothing.

When was the US constitution adopted (vs the declaration of independence)? Pedantically, George Washington was a British subject until 1783, albeit a rebellious one 1776-1783.

So our first president had a demonstrated tendency toward traitorous activities and terrorism?

God, that guy’s unelectable today!

The US Consitution was officially adopted in 1787. Pedantically, history says Washington was a citizen as of the signing of the Declaration of Indepence in 1776, because it was written by the victors. More practically, Washington was a United States citizen precisely when he said he was because he was 12 stories high, made of radiation.

So, where was John McCain born?

The Panama Canal Zone to two American citizens.


Would it technically matter if he had been born outside the zone, or if one of his parents wasn’t a US citizen?

It wouldn’t technically matter, as long as he stayed white.