Black Panther - Marvel's Wakandan Avenger

Crap, looks like he’s going the Marvel villain route instead. Not nearly as promising a role, but maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll be more Loki than Malekith.

As much as I loved Shuri’s character in Black Panther and Infinity War, I would love to see Angela Bassett’s Queen Mum character flex her muscles. I had to look up her name (Ramonda!) but it seems like a huge missed opportunity not to take advantage of the character’s political position. First, come on, man, it’s Angela Bassett! Second, okay, I don’t know enough about the complexities of Wakandan royal succession laws, but it sounds like most of those ritual combat things are by and large formalities. Maybe Ramonda is also a kicker of asses but spends most of her official duties looking fabulous. Third, man, it’s Angela Bassett! She’s a terrific actor, she would have made a better Storm than Halle Berry did, she was hard as nails in Strange Days, and she was emotionally complex as hell in that one episode of the Aziz Ansari show.

In closing, though we gather together today in difficult times, I ask that the correct answer to this thorny problem be thusly solved. Get Angela off the bench and let her kick bad guys in the teeth, Wakanda forever, et cetera.

Shuri would have to be a Black Panther based on tech, right? Didn’t all the magic plants get burned while Killmonger was king?

Also, is she next in line for the throne? Does M’Baku just let her take the throne? Because if he presses the whole fight-for-the-throne rule, I don’t see Shuri kicking his ass.

Kang is a really interesting character, and can certainly be the next Thanos, he’s a Doom like character.

Kinda weird for him to show up in the Ant-Man movies first, but I guess it makes sense, now that Ant Man has been associated with Time Travel.

Yes… but comics. Surely someone somewhere, perhaps the royal gardener, had a private garden with a few specimens. Or maybe before torching things they smuggled a few plants out.

It was a symbolic moment, I wouldn’t assume literally all specimens are gone. Because comics. Even in real life I’d assume a few specimens surviving was possible.

I was like, “hold on, I don’t remember anyone named Kang.”


I can definitely see him as Kang. I like that (possible) casting.

He will come AND KILL YOU ALL!!!

I mean it might be a bit weird for him with all the prosthetics. But obviously since Michael Ansara is dead it would be impossible for him to play the role.


I can’t really say anything about what the MCU needs but I really want to see Shuri fill the young, hip techno-gadgeteer role. Of course I’m weird. I’d also love to see Sam Wilson, now that he has the shield, step up and become the leader while being very conscious of the fact that he isn’t a god, sorcerer, mutant, or super soldier.

Or wakandian

Of course he wouldn’t be the leader of Wakanda but I don’t see why the Black voice with gravitas has to also be the ruler of Wakanda.

I guess im questioning why the only other notable black character in the MCU has to become the black panther and not say the new Captain America.

Steve Rogers gave his shield to Sam Wilson at the end of Endgame…seems like a pretty clear move.

I’m sorry I don’t think I’m explaining myself very well. My initial thought is why should Shuri have to become the character with gravitas instead of playing to her strengths. Looking at the bigger MCU there is a lack of a cocky tech character now that Iron Man is gone. Spiderman could fill part of that but he’s clearly headed for his own arc. I feel Shuri could become Black Panther but take the more gadget/tech turn. I think that would open up some interesting twists with a world leader who isn’t in the mold of T’challa or his father.

But I agree that the MCU needs a Black voice with some gravitas and leadership. Sam has the shield now and is poised to be Captain America. But he’s a human and of this generation not a super soldier from WWII. Again, just enough of a twist to make things interesting if they want to lead into the differences while emphasizing the leadership role.

I know it would never happen but setting up a scene paying homage to the Captain America punching Hitler with Sam Wilson and a Trump look alike would be funny.

Welp. Now I really hope Shuri doesn’t become the next Black Panther.

Letitia Wright is on the anti-COVID vaccine train.

Man, that sucks.

Is there a summary somewhere of that YouTube video? I’m not gonna watch an hour long video to figure out what exactly is going on. Or does this guy already have a reputation I should know about?

Edit: okay well he does explain 3 minutes in “he’s not sure if he’s going to take this vaccine” and “he’s always been skeptical of vaccines”. So that’s not a great start.

This falls into the category of “things I’d have been happier not knowing.”

Ugh, can we please just ship all the antivax chuds to their own private plague island now?

Stop expecting actors to be paragons of intellect? Same with athletes.