Blizzcon 2009: The Thread

Things that were not leaked:

[li]Guild Achievements and Guild Leveling will be added to the game.[/li][li]Players will level by following the “Path of the Titans”[/li][li]Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep will be revamped and heroic versions will be added[/li][li]Rated Battlegrounds will be added to the game.[/li][*]Archeology will be a new profession[/ul]

Hyjal, Uldum, Sunken City of Vashj’ir, Lost Isles, Gilneas, Twilight Highlands, Deepholm. Those are all the brand new zones being added to Azeroth.

The Lost Isles is the starter area for Goblins and Gilneas for Worgen.

Yeah, the expansion content had be friggin awesome because otherwise charging 40 bucks for overhauling a few zones is pretty lame as well as 85 being the new level limit rather than 90.

Whoa – guild talent trees.

I will say that the guild advancement will be cool, but it’s also shamelessly stolen from EQ2. Supposedly 20 levels, controlled by things like daily quests, etc. You get to open up perks like decreased durability and … mass resurrection.

No new talents, just more points to spend.

Paths of the Titans - daoc master levels yay. :|

Reducing durability loss on death and mass ressurect after a wipe were given as sample guild talents.

The Cataclysm splash screen is great looking. Deathwing looks badass

edit: oh shit, click through for a worgen. It looks like a fucking awesome

Jeez! The hardcore folks are already bitching about the inconsistent lore in Cataclysm.

I don’t get it. Lore in WoW was always spotty and thrown together with little thought to logic.

Eurogamer has the reveal trailer up.

Demonic space paladins ftl.

Uldum is where I would imagine Tyr (the missing Keeper from Storm Peaks/Ulduar) is hanging out.

Assuming it’s the same as the one Blizz has up here.

I’m really disappointed to be getting goblins, as the worgen sound like the coolest expansion race (and maybe overall race) yet. But as Athryn says, unless they increase the number of character slots per server, it won’t matter much for me unless I abandon my level 40 mage or my half of the chain my wife and I have to the Alliance auction house (which is two characters).

As for the new race/class combos, I guess they had to do something to get people interested in re-rolling to justify all the effort they’re putting into redoing the 1-60 leveling path.

No new talents, just more points to spend.

I’m not so sure they’re going to give us 5 more talent points. It may be that the Path of the Titans thing is going to be our means of customization from 80 on as it’s probably Blizz’s way of giving up on rebalancing the trees with 5 more talent points to spend.

Q: Will I need the expansion to be able to experience the Cataclysm changes?
A: When the Cataclysm occurs, it will occur for all players, whether they have purchased the expansion or not–you will no longer be to play in the original version of Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms. However, certain features such as the new zones, new races, and new level cap will only be accessible to players who purchase the expansion.

Interesting… so the zones that are changed in the expansion aren’t phased in - they’re changed for good. I guess the old quests are just gone? That’s a bit sad, but a lot of them really show their age now

I can’t imagine Goblins being on the same level of cool as the Worgen. True, they’re not furry-friendly, but come on. Adding a gnome race for the Horde just isn’t all that cool.

Ragnaros is back. I was ok with bringing back Onyxia as a one-off boss fight, but this is just getting stupid. Since Deathwing is the new Big Bad, will we be fighting Nefarian again too?

To each his own. I’ve wanted to play a Goblin since the first moment I entered Booty Bay 4.5 years ago. It’s going to take a lot of willpower for me not to reroll Horde.

“Time is money, friend!”

I think they took a look at how many current active accounts actually ever did Molten Core and/or other old raid dungeons and found it was a number less then 1%.

So I can’t say I’m surprised about the whole dungeon revisit.

The Worgen model looks more like a lion than a wolf. And it seems they can be druids as well, so I guess I’m actually keeping my human rogue and deleting my Tauren druid

They are, they said so in the panel I’m watching.

Oh, awesome. I’ll finally be able to level up a druid without having to be a night elf!