Bloodborne - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor's Spiritual Successor

It wouldn’t be a bad decision! The PS4 is a pretty fantastic machine.

Yeah, the PS4 is a solid console.

PSN still kind of sucks compared to XBL though.

I … Think that video actually unsold me on the game. I loved a lot of what Dark Souls 2 did and this game looks to “fix” those things I really liked (the measured pace, for instance).

Also, how is changing the control scheme an acceptable way to make it more challenging?

Eh, I don’t think the control scheme change is really done specifically to make the game harder… it maybe just happens to have that effect on folks who played Dark Souls for like a thousand hours. I can’t imagine it effecting me like that, simply because I haven’t played dark souls in so long anyway, so the controls aren’t really ingrained in my brain any more.

I’m more than willing to accept a change of pace though, as they seem to have implemented here. If the combat is still fair and realistic, having it be faster with a mechanic that forces you to continue fighting through encounters could be an improvement.

I don’t think it was necessarily the slow and methodical aspect to combat in Dark Souls which made it great, but rather the fact that it seemed very real, and as a result, felt fair and satisfying. If they preserve that aspect, making it faster should hurt it any, although it could have the effect of making it more difficult.

But hey, I grew up playing games in the 80’s and 90’s… old school games were all super hard AND unfair. At least this game won’t have hidden bats and crap that fly out of the edge of the screen and bump you in the middle of a jump to kill you. (hopefully)

Sorry, that probably sounded like I was talking bad about the PS4, which wasn’t how I meant it. Given my track record with consoles, it would likely be a bad decision for me. The last two consoles I owned were nothing more than several hundred dollar dust collectors. I had hoped I had learned my lesson about purchasing consoles, but Bloodbourne looks great. I just worry it’ll be another case where I buy a console, play one game, and then just go back to my PC for the rest of the generation. :D

I cut my teeth on birds knocking me off bridges in Ninja Gaiden. #OG

I know exactly where you’re coming from. I got a ton of use out of my 360 last gen, but my PS3 languished (purchase salvaged by the blu ray player). This gen is just the opposite, the xbone is covered in layers of dust, but the PS4 is constantly humming…a lot of it has to do with the quality of the console (I play all third party games on the PS4), the cool games that pop up on PS plus, and games like destiny (and hopefully bloodborne).

I’ve always leaned heavily toward the PC side of things, but this generation, anything that can be played with a controller gets played on the PS4.

If you score one of those cool bundles and bloodborne turns out to be good, I think you’ll be okay. And keep in mind, Dark Souls 2 for the console is right around the corner ; )

Persona 5 and Bloodborne are all the PS4 needs to be a success to me. But, as it turns out, Last of Us Remastered is amazing (I never played the PS3 version) and I got it free with my PS4, so we’re already in the bonus.

As for the XBONE… Well, I guess I’ll need it for my Rockband collection when that finally drops…

But rather than threadjack this into a console wars discussion, I will say that we’re under the two week mark and I’ve done everything I can not to spoiler myself on any gameplay material. I played the last two Souls games with strategy guides because I was obsessive about not missing anything, particularly lore-related quests. This time, I think I’m going in completely blind – and really looking forward to it.

We’re in the same boat, the only thing I know about this is the pedigree behind it, and whatever I could glean from a brief TV spot I caught yesterday. That’s enough for me!

lol, this is the exact thing that I was thinking about when I made my comment. That exact game.

I’m with you KevinC. I keep getting sorely tempted to grab a PS4, but my budget is tight (I work in Education) and something in me still believes that I’ll regret the purchase.

I can’t not play Bloodborne, though, so it’s a quandary.

There is no chance of a PC version.

I don’t mind missing this for now since I still have to play Demon’s Souls. Maybe I’ll borrow a PS4 from a friend in a few years.

Honestly, the game could be amazing, but you’re likely looking at $400+ to just play that one game.
And if it isn’t amazing… you just spent $400 on one game.

I’ve been holding off on buying a PS4 until this game. I’m somewhat disappointed in the XBone and I’ve got a little extra money. I like PS+ and I have a Vita, so we’ll see if it’s worthwhile.

Is this supposed to make it to PC at some point?

I don’t think so. 😞

It has as much chance as a Super Mario game coming to the PC.

Currently downloading. :)

Hope the game works…

Dark Souls 1 and 2 eventually found their way to the PC. Same with many Final Fantasy games. So who knows?