Bloodborne - Demon's Souls Spiritual Successor's Spiritual Successor

hahaha, when I first got there I was like, yes nothing bad will happen here.

The way I tackled that room was, I ran out the other side in to a narrow walkway where they funneled toward me.

The first two are pretty easy to run past, but the third may get a hit on you. Don’t stop to fight the first two at all, and even if the third hits you just keep on going. When you reach the Spider room, there is a set of stairs directly to the right as you enter the room. There is one spider in front of you, kill it, then go out on the bridge just far enough to jump off to the right. Then run for the passageway to your right near the front of the room.

Your problems won’t end then, but not far from there, down a passage and to your right, is your first short cut.

I like to watch Dark Souls youtune play thrus, blind ones, where the player doesn’t know what is coming. In Dark Souls 2 there is the large spider boss with her little minions, I have seen two players play thrus end at that fight because it creeped them out so much.

I found it kinda where I thought it might be. There was a small down elevator in the room down the stairs from the first short cut elevator in the area. I found the brain, got a dungeon item, the gesture I was supposed to use there didn’t work. Oh well.

Mergo the Wet Nurse is dead now. Took about 10 tries today. I kept dying towards the end when she did her little phase 2 thing. I ended up actually killing her in the end by hitting her with about 15 poison knives and then just avoiding her. Watching her slowly die was a good thing.

You gotta leave it up for like 30 or 60 seconds. I have no idea how anyone is supposed to know this stuff without being told.

The Martyr is dead. That is a good fight.

I have now tried Gerhman a couple times and have done pretty well, but for the most part that damn jump in sky AOE has done me in, over and over.

Gerhman has brought back memories of Gwnn and my first play thru of Dark Souls 1. I just can’t seem to get that last 10% of his health bar down. I may have to put this aside for awhile, or farm like a mofo until my health bar stretches across the screen as far as Gerhman’s. :)

Well, the final bosses are dead and I have been turned into a banana slug. I guess that is the good ending. I finally just got more aggressive with Gerhman and it paid off. The boss after that was pretty damn easy, basically get it into a corner and spam the R1 button until it goes down.

I enjoyed the game. It is always nice to play a new FROM souls like game. Maybe I will give Sekiro a chance although it doesn’t look that interesting when I see bits of it played. The whole Ninja thing…meh.

An extremely relative term.

I was very meh on Sekiro despite being a big old japanophile, but honestly from what I have seen they have done a good job of weirding it up. Looking forward to it when it goes a but more in sale. Right now it costs more than I have paid for the rest of their games combined, almost, heh.

I have also never paid top dollar for any of the souls games, or any game for that matter. So if I see it on sale at the Steam Winter sale I might go for it. Isn’t FROM supposed to be coming out with a new game in the fall?

I went back and read the thread from the start, and watched a few blind play thru’s and it seems many people took up Gerhman’s offer and therefore never saw the last two bosses.

Yeah, it’s just a matter of opinion whether what happens if you fight those bosses can really be considered “good”.

Elden Ring maybe? I haven’t kept up.

The “lore” reasons are that by accepting the first option you are merely repeating the process, and so nothing you did really mattered. The second option means replace Gerhman as caretaker of the Hunters Dream while the third option means you have done what the scholars were trying to do, and ascended. But I do admit had I not known that prior to reaching the end I would have taken the first option.

I think so.

You didn’t follow my advice. Simply run past all that jazz: The beasts, the rock throwers, the spider room, and even the…skip all that bullshit.

I’ve never bothered fighting any of that shit to the finish and I’d do again, every time. Zero guilt.

If a modder can do this on a PS4 Pro, I expect nothing less on the PS5.

I didn’t know PS games had mods, I thought that was a PC thing. As you can tell I don’t do PS very much.

I’m sure it’s a very invasive process, not like in the PC sense. He might not even release this.

I am always amazed what modders can do. I have been watching a guy play thru Dark Souls 3 using a mod that adds enemies. Apparently you can do 3, 4 or 5 times the normal enemies, and that includes bosses. He is playing in a group, so the mod really makes it look fun, whereas group play on normal mode looks very boring.

restarting for a 3rd time. I never played past the machine gunner. It is always a great feeling when you beat Father Gascoigne, I used a bit the music box, a bit molotow cocktails. Took me “only” 10 tries ;) I feel this time I will make it further into the game. Something strange happened in the cathedral area, I was lifted up in the air when I picked up a set of clothing. I was floating for a couple of seconds, then I dropped back and my health was gone to almost zero. Strange.

Not to spoil anything but that will all be made clearer later, and I am surprised it didn’t kill you.

Gascoigne is a great early game fight. In fact in my opinion the early bosses in this game are tougher than the several you meet later in the game. BB doesn’t hold your hand in the early going.

also, how does coop work? I have like 3 bells in my inventory, and the one for coop does not work. I actually cannot use any? I figured, that insight == humanity/ember. How do I use it…?

You have PS+ right?