Boardgaming in 2019!

Yeah, I thoughtit was older, but it’s the 2018 re-issue, so it has all the nice die-cut counters.

Nice! A buddy and I recently played the Car Wars re-issue, which made for a thirty-year gap between plays. I didn’t realize they’d done Melee, too. That would be a forty-year gap, and I’m really tempted.

My 6yo kicked may ass three times on the trot this arvo. 1:1, me vs 2 snakes then me vs bear. Think the dice they shipped with it are faulty.

This just popped up in my Google feed, and it actually looks really cool.

Big week for games:

Reminder: I’m happy to ship games if you are interested!

I know y’all have been waiting for Funkoverse.

Someone has…

Wait where is the Golden Girls edition?

Trismegistus sounds interesting, but not sure I need it.
Also, Beyond Humanity is kickstarting this week ($225!!! Are you kidding me!) I thought it looked cool but then I was worried it was just gimmick. Then I watched Rhado’s review and I was like cool not a gimmick. Then I saw it was semi co-op. I’m also not sure how much there is to the game. Still a cool idea.

Not out yet. But yes, they are making it. :facepalm:

I have the old AH version of Dune, which I’ve had since the '70s, but it’s pretty beat up, so I picked up the new one just yesterday upon seeing it at the FLGS. If you’ve ever wanted this game, buy this version. It’s perfect, and a perfect reissue. I was so pleased to see that nothing has been changed, I even remember most of the rules, after not having played it for many years. Only the art and components have been updated.

The only drawback to this game is that it really requires 4 players, and is best with 6. That’s the only thing keeping me from playing it right now.

Best with 6? That perked the ole ears. However, if some in the group has either never watched or read Dune or doesn’t like it… does it work without much interest in the theme at all?

I would love to play Dune…if I only had friends!

SUSD suggests that being familiar with the theme isn’t too important, but it’s a long, complex game that requires multiple playthroughs with the same group of 4-5 people to get a handle on it.

We get up to 12 but the regular group is indeed… 4-5, and it’s the fifth that makes games like Gloomhaven and what feels like 80% of the other ones not ideal. I’ll check out this video later and see if I think we can handle it. The only hard, hard failures we’ave had are the Eldritch games which I might bribe them into trying again.

It works fine with 4 and 5. If I may pimp my friend’s instagram:

Yeah me to! If any people around Philadelphia want to try and get a game of this going…

I had read the book before I ever played the game, but I don’t think it’s really necessary. I will say that I think the game is better than the book.

Heh, more than I have ever done. I’ve watched two versions of the movie, and I don’t even know what versions they are. I just know one had some guy talking for what felt like 20 minutes explaining all the houses/factions.

The 6 hour discussions about this game does worry me a bit. That might be a bit… much for a regular game night. We might have to do a game day to accommodate something that long.

MCDM (Matt Colville’s company, D&D stuff) has been playing Dune on stream for the last month or so.

They’re playing the old version I think? But anyway, it’s a really neat game especially for it’s time.

I think they have videos up on Youtube.