Borderlands 3 - More cel-shaded loot

And its live for pre-order on STEAM, and 50% off all editions.

Also the Super Deluxe Edition is back down to $99.99 from $119.99 (the weird price increase they had on it back in September). On sale for $49.99.

Sadly with Tom’s review , and word of mouth from friends who didn’t bother finishing it, I sorta want to wait for it to be $10-15 before I try it out.

If you liked previous Borderlands games you should like this. It is pretty much more of the same.

I logged hundreds of hours in the game. It’s an excellent looter shooter, pure Borderlands MOTS but if you like Borderlands, it’s a great package. I finally burned out on it after nearly 8 full play throughs of the campaign, and enjoyed it all. Yes, the story/dialog is suboptimal often, and it took a while to finally grow on me, but really, it is a great game. Is it worth full price? For me, I got my money’s worth for sure, but YMMV.

Wow. Kudos to you. I played through it twice for Flak and Amara and have no interest in ever doing that again, which means that unless Gearbox does something drastic like adding a D3-style unlocked endgame, I’ll never play the other two characters.

But 8 full playthroughs? Like, once per character, then again for TVHM? No way.

Yeah, well, I question my sanity about this as well. I really got into following some builds for each class, and liked the shooting enough to keep at it for a while. Then I finally hit the wall and uninstalled, but not before playing entirely too much of the game.

They’re selling the season pass for $54 CAD, WTf?

Is the co-op play solid now?

I’ve played through it twice via co-op (Flak and Amara) and still look forward to future DLC. I don’t care for Borderlands as a single-player game but very much enjoy them with a friend or three.

Level cap increasing to 57.
Mayhem going up to level 10.
Info on the 2nd DLC
Info on the next event - Revenge of the Cartels

Maybe at some point, but I think I’m done for now. Was done a few weeks ago, really, and the idea of yet another level cap increase–with all the accompanying need to regrind all the weapons you use, eh, no thanks.

In case anyone interested in codes missed it, the linked page includes this code for 5 golden keys: CTWJB-H5HSW-R96RS-5R3BB-H33K5

Redeem it by April 8th, 11:59pm PDT.

I picked this up yesterday when GMG had it for almost 60% off.

If anyone wants to co-ops let me know, I have a few nights I can play before I have to head back into the office on Monday for a full week of 12-14 hour days.

Redeemed a bunch of free shift codes from here:

Also if you have Amazon Prime they had a bunch of prime member loot to offer.

Heh, Gearbox played an April Fool’s joke today. I don’t know about other characters but when my Moze gets into Iron Bear, he’s shrunken down to about ankle high. I used that to my advantage in a mini-boss fight where literally shot him in the ankles underneath his shield. Made a tough fight easy. But on the down side, I couldn’t get up three step inside a bandit camp, had to get out of Iron Bear just to climb the steps

Only a few missions into this , but overall enjoying it. Fantastic gunplay.

Doing missions for this finely dressed gentlemen:

I’m playing FL4K, and noticed the pet spiderant was super small. He also kept popping up out of the ground right in front of me when there wasn’t anyone around to fight. I assumed it was a glitch and mostly ignored it, though it was starting to become annoying.

I held off until this came to steam, I’m nearing level 40. I’m playing the siren but not because I want to but because it was the first character and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to change characters.

My son is playing Zane and I figure he is about 2x more powerful than Amara the siren because enemies just melt in front of my son but I’m finding Amara fine once I figured out that I just need to playing her like Brick, up close and personal with that projection thing she has. It’s fun to line up a few guys in a row and let it loose. I need a build that someone can recommend for her. Currently, I’m just maxing out the projection side, ignoring all others.

The gunplay is fabulous and since about level 20, I just keep purples and legendaries because they are so damn plentiful. As some have noted, legendaries aren’t all that legendary, but when they are whoo boy look out.

The driving is fun, but selecting a loadout for a vehicle is not. I wish the game would remember loadouts between play sessions.

My only real complaint is that the maps are huge, and with so many side missions, it can become overwhelming.

For the most part, I like all the enemies. The brother & sister are getting old. I can’t wait to kill them,

For characters / side missions - when Balex came on, I’m like “That’s ICE-T’s voice” and I was right. I loved the Film Buff side mission. Had me in stitches. Not too many memorable, because there are so damn many of them.

I would suggest, especially as you hit 50-ish, that you find a specific build for your character and follow it. For Amara, there are quite a few, though I mostly used the “Ricochet Witch” builds and variants. Builds will map out the skills and gear synergies you need to go from “meh” to “whoa!” in terms of damage output.

Most builds though require at least one or two very specific pieces that have to be farmed…and of course you farm better if you already are running the build. But luckily you can muddle through until you find what you need generally (or some of the YouTubers offer save games for PC players that will jump start you).

i found that one to be very weak on amara. I also got it on steam, am currently 55. I really like the phase grasp build, where you either go for the one that slams fists down, or the one that lifts multiple people up. Once you get that, plus the capstone ability that allows for a 2nd use of the ability as its on cooldown, you will be doing a lot more damage.

there is an increase in drop chance in coop right now, through the month of april. personally, ive been finding the Lob is simply the best gun in the game, very few weapons can even come close to the sheer damage potential it puts out. They “nerfed” it recently, but it doesn’t seem to have been much of a nerf…

Richochet requires a specific shotgun, whose name I can never recall, something like Recursion, as well as Spiritual Driver. I found the build oscillated between OMG they’re all dead and WTF why am I dead. For encounters with a number of bad guys, when all the stars aligned, it would one shot the whole group. Killing Freddie and his robo buddies was usually like that on Mayhem 4, which was the highest when I was still playing. The Phasegrasp builds I liked more, in terms of fun, and generally also found them better, but I stopped playing before getting much into them. I never really found the right mix of weapons for Amara anyhow.

My favorite was Zane with the Redistributor and the skills that pretty much had him toting around his portable shield and multishotting everything. A constant stream of bullets. Pretty cool; that’s how I soloed the Malawan stuff when I did it.Of course, I never quite killed Wotan before they adjusted the scaling, so it isn’t much of an accomplishment to kill Wotan now.

I’m getting 2-3 legendaries for every hour I play. I have so many, I find I’m just having fun cycling through them trying them all.

But today I hit the finale with Tyreen and I need to watch a video or three. It was just too overwhelming.