Borderlands 3 - More cel-shaded loot

Wow, that took me like 5 tries to beat Tyreen. My palms were sweating by the end.

It might have taken less but I alt-f4’d the first few times I got knocked down b/c I didn’t wait to see how I could be revived - but a few varkids do spawn so you just have to be patient and hopefully be able to shoot one of them to get 2nd wind.

Is True Vault Hunter mode the same as Mayhem? In past Borderlands games, TVM was just replaying the game from the start with harder enemies.

How does Mayhem interact with this?

No, TVHM is different from Mayhem. TVHM makes the game harder by buffing enemies as you said above on a second play through. Mayhem can give both you and the enemy various bonuses that can change game play greatly. You can select Mayhem, look at the bonuses, if you don’t like them, just quit the game and try again, until you get a set of bonuses that you like/feel comfortable with. At least that’s what I’ve read. Google can probably tell you more :)

You have to turn on mayhem mode at the sanctuary ship. TVHM is just newgame+. mayhem 4 is kinda unique compared to the other ones, its more of a straight damage buff with less crazy modifiers, mayhem 1-2 has much crazier ones.

all this is getting reworked this month with mayhem 2.0 though!! :)

I must admit the location diversity so far has been great, was worried I’d be on Pandora for the first 10 hours, but not so!

Starting the game on Pandora was probably a considered decision, to provide a link to the first two games in particular, but at launch the grind to even get your base with a stash and stuff made me hate Pandora. Then when you had to do the whole intro thing again for TVHM, and then twice for each other class… But that was probably more a function of the ill-conceived repeated grind than the location. The locales otherwise are pretty cool, and even Pandora gets some interesting places.

Well yes, if you replay a game eight times, you are going to experience every location, including Pandora, eight times…

That’s the way the game is designed to be played, is the issue. I mean, I liked it enough to do it 7.5 times before I burned out, but I still question the design decision. They could have gone an adventure mode route or something. But to see every character, and really play them as they are meant to be played (that is, with a full allotment of skills) you need to do the grind.

So, the loot event is going on again until the 16th. Legendaries are dropping so much, I can’t even try them out before I get another 4-5 legendaries.

I mean, look at my mini-map. It’s almost stupid how many of them are dropping now. Baddasses, red chests and the hoarder tinks are all dropping them.

I’m using this to sell them without even trying them:

Can I play Co-op crossplay with my son on x box with me on epic? Would that be through shift friends

I’m pretty hyped for this. really want to finish all content on hardest difficulty

I only finished BL3 a few days ago, having bought it in a recent sale and thanks to the patch im still playing it. I havent even bought the DLC yet. Mayhem 2 is really tough, but 3 is near impossible, just a few of those purple cartel guys are tougher than the Calypso Twins i faced last week.

The new Revenge of the Cartels event area is pretty good. It plays well. Has some cool little encounter spaces. It does suffer from the whole thing being a tired-ass joke on Scarface. Like, really, Gearbox? Scarface? Let it go, people. The main story is whatever, but there is one funny little side mission with Maurice and the gun vendor guy that takes place entirely on Sanctuary 3.

The event’s meta-missions are all terrible though. Just boring grinds like kill bosses 25 times, kill them 10 times in Mayhem Mode, kill a zillion event troops, etc. Lazy-ass shit.

Also, I’m against GaaS DLC in principle. If I want to play the Halloween mission in Borderlands 2 right now, all I have to do is load the game and the DLC I bought. In Borderlands 3, I have to wait until October when Gearbox will presumably flip the switch again. Once this Cartels event is over, I guess you’ll have to wait another year to play it as well. I hate that stuff.

Yeah, that revenge of the cartels and the new mayhem 10 level? I had a friend who let me play with him (i could barely do mayhem 3) and the drops we were getting were crazy. Like spend 10 minutes going through all the loot drops and it was insane.

I’ll just leave this here.

Randy Pitchford is gonna sue!

I’d link the Southpark version, but it has penis mounts.

It would seem the new DLC, third of the four planned, is very good.

Here is the teaser for the 4th and final DLC of the season pass.