Brian Fargo is returning to the Wasteland for a third time

So without mechanics 9 the Union Station mission is fucked! After all I’ve been through I just have to wander away. This is fucked.

This is how you should do that spoiler Rich. That way I know it’s safe to read, since I’ve been through there already. :)

Good point. Next time. :)

Hmm - I managed to get by Union Station w/o that requirement though? If it’s tied to Morning Star I managed to trigger a Kiss Ass discussion where I talk about the afterlife to get him to agree to joining me.

Man, another difficult choice with Ironclad Cordite. My gut tells me to put him down since he’s a slaver. Don’t want to unleash him on Kansas, but he may make taking down the daughter easier.

I don’t remember that. I’ll have to try again.

This is where Angela Deth can get off her high horse. She wants to take down the Patriarch because of his “crimes” but she wants the assistance of a tribal warlord and in return she will help him claim control of all of the plains tribes/gangs and turn them loose on whatever poor people live in Kansas. Plus how do we know Cordite will keep his word or won’t turn on Colorado after taking/plundering Kansas? Her scheme is daft, IMO.

I followed my gut :-)

Union station angst:

Can you give more details? I may, possibly, load an older save. OTOH I was thinking that I can go to the HQ, create a mechanic. And use that. Seems like cheating. But 9 mechanics when I have one guy with a 7, means that I have a lot of leveling up to do.

Maybe go back to Santa and fuck him up. Or I might have enough skill to finish the movie thing.

Or give it up for a while. That is not out of the question.

Assuming you’re still talking about Morningstar… If you have at least Kiss Ass 6 (I think) there is a dialogue path you can trigger where you ask Morningstar if he believes that he’ll see Reagan in the afterlife if he dies - if you go down that path you can convince him that helping you may help him redeem him to get his wish.

Yeah. We’re talking about four or five saves ago. But I appreciate the help.

So is this still a buggy nightmare?

I really need a game atm, but if it’s like playing the second half of WL2 was on release I can more than wait for a while.

I’m guessing I’m about 1/3 rd in and I haven’t noticed any major bugs. I had a weird slowdown in one area of the game twice and then it went away. One quest I’m not sure why I couldn’t complete it, but I think it was just how I went about it - not a bug.

Some of the writing is really good.

The patches have mainly addressed stability issues, with a few bugs fixed here and there. A bigger bug patch is upcoming next, no ETA.

There are bugs but more of the annoyances side vs nightmares. I would say the biggest one for me is that some enemies don’t render properly on the screen - sometimes I only see the guns floating in the air, etc.

Not for me. I just dislike the load times.

The DMV and VA should develop all their software in Unity.

I wouldn’t say it’s all that buggy, especially for a new release. There are certainly little glitches that I’ve noticed here and there, but nothing game-stopping so far (I’m heading into some of the final missions available right now, roaming around a bit before moving on). There is nothing that would make me say ‘don’t play it.’

A family member is playing on Xbone and hit a game-breaking bug on the critical path. So the console release may be more problematic.

A lot of people have on the PC as well. Which is why I’m leery of it.

That and just having their saves corrupted (or something along those lines) and losing everything and the like.