Broadway: "Hamilton"

Wow. Disney laying down some markers with this.

Awesome - We will get Disney Plus here in Denmark on september 15th - this is most certainly one of the first things I want to watch!

This being pushed up by a year is perhaps the best thing to come out of the pandemic. I had tickets for the touring company show in Ottawa early June that were cancelled, after having seen it on Broadway in September 2019. It will be incredible seeing it with the original cast.


I’d say that man, this is bullshit, but I don’t want to knock it up to an R rating and therefore, somehow, make it inaccessible.

Pfft. Those are my two favorite fucks in the show.

(Can’t think of where the other one is).

Nor me - I suppose it could be the half-a-fuck which follows “you see, that was my wife who you decided to…”?

I assumed they’d mute or cover up the f-bombs. It’s a pretty hard rule in the MPAA. Heck, even Last Action Hero joked about it.

You get one “fuck” in a PG13 and it can only be an exclamation of pain or frustration. It can’t be “you fucker” and it can’t be about the sex act.

My kids have decided that this is going to be our family’s Super Bowl. We’re going all out with snacks and decorations, etc.

I’ve become an expert in quickly muting cursing from Hamilton while listening to it with our kids. Would prefer they just have two versions available but I’m fine with this.

How are you listening to it? Amazon Music has a “Clean” version you can stream/buy:

Oh wow, didn’t even realize this existed - thanks!

You’re welcome. I’m not sure how edited it is (e.g. if all cursing is removed or just some of the more extreme words on the swearing spectrum) as I haven’t fully listened to it - I just know it existed because I accidentally started steaming it one time instead of the regular “explicit” version.

We bought this on CD for car journeys with the kids: IIRC just the fucks and shits are removed, milder cursing (bastard, piss) remains.

Yep, looks like it. I’ve been conditioned to sing alternative lyrics in those spots anyways! Our 8yo’s really excited to finally see it after hearing it half her life.

Shame about the censorship – they left the f-bomb in Say No to This, I think, which is probably the least energetic of the three bombs but hey, the Mouse drives a hard bargain. I’m looking forward to seeing the original cast perform and catching more of the details of the lighting and staging, which blew me away in the theatre.

A little something to get you ready

That was delightful.

Dang Renee Elise Goldsberry performing like she’s been rehearsing that part for weeks

Hamilton should be available tonight at midnight PST, barring Disney Plus crashing from streaming demands!