Brooklyn Nine Nine

I think middle-right was my favorite novelty T-shirt of the evening, although you can’t go wrong with Pineapple Slut.

“I think it’s clear it is the pineapple that is the slut.”

They’re so cool.

Just a fantastic Hitchcock and Scully episode.

Dutch Oven!

Great episode. Only thing that perplexed me is the fashion. The clothes they wore, I never saw people wearing anything like that in the 90s. Maybe it was a high school thing, or a New York thing?

It was a high school thing, teenagers in the 90’s wore a lot of denim. In my school, it was a ton of kids in overalls for some reason. But also baggy, stone washed jeans. With the cuffs flipped up (“cuffed” my wife tells me but I don’t remember it having a name). We were all crazy kids back then.

I dunno, the 90’s episode didn’t do much for me.

Yeah, too Gina-centric. I’m not a fan. But a lot of people are, so I don’t mind too much. Let the Gina fans have their episode, I say, because I’m magnanimous.

You monster.

I agree, if only because I find Chelsea Peretti awesome. Her standup special “One of the Greats” is brilliant.

Agreed as well. And given Chelsea is leaving the show, giving her a send off episode with her being the highlight was appropriate.

Latest episode of The Good Place Podcast is about Brooklyn Nine-Nine!

Catching up , nothing better than a quality Doug Judy episode.

This Thursday must have been a repeat already, since there was no DVR recording.

You should double-check; I have a new episode.

Damn. Plex DVR has been finicky. I just don’t understand why sometimes it decides not to record. At least it recorded The Orville this week. Right now it says it will record both next week. We’ll see what happens.

Yeah, it was an amazing episode as well, directed by the actress that plays Diaz. Just fantastic stuff.

@Rock8man if you don’t mind some ads, watch it for free on


(swoon) Briga Heleen

Crime Scene episode was sorta weak, Diaz’s hair changing I didn’t find that funny.

But damn if The Honeypot episode wasn’t fantastic. Munkensmat at the precinct and the 3 hours of Barrel explanation. And then Holt’s stache , Thomas Cruise films, omg… So damn good.

Netflix has just 5 seasons of Brooklyn nine nine. Where can we find the next season?