BSG 37 - Second Chance Heroes

Called it.

However it looks, makes more sense to pass this with my extra cards than leave us a bit short on defense when they pop in.

Yes, yes, fight. I have foreseen this.

There was a point of clarification regarding some cards and @rowe33’s hand (I goofed and had not removed a card he played earlier, validating now)

Only have 5 cards to put in here, sorry.

Now was the time to panic. Things had gotten suddenly very hairy, and they were not prepared. They could not be prepared.

The Cylons jumped in, in force. For the glory of recent memory of a direct nuclear strike on a Basestar reactor, causing it to go critical and cascade out to another basestar in a blaze of glorious destruction, all was but a memory.

Time to limber up and get to action. Safety off, weapon ready.

And things got worse. Their CAP, already thinned out, became rather lonesome. Trigger mishap put 2/3 of their ships in docks for repair, and several pilots in sickbay.

Pucker up, this is going to be rough.

Skill cards
Tactics 1LS,1LS,2G&I,5CS
Piloting 0PtF,1EM,1EM,4MF
Engineering 1R,1R,2R
Leadership 4AAC,4RO,5AAC

Total +6, fail. Protect the fleet triggers (piloting >3) @rowe33 may activate an unmanned viper

Then stuff happens. 2 vipers in space get damaged, also Rowes choice. Basestar rolls 1, places, pursuit+1, Cylons jump in.

Ah, protect the fleet at least lets you launch a new viper to be damaged instead of me.

I am parenting and won’t have time to detective for a little while so whoever spiked it feel free to speak up

Yeah, those large negatives are a bit too suspicious to be all Dee and destiny. We can definitely conclude it’s someone who draws leadership. Which means not me but sadly doesn’t rule anyone else out.

I can see the large negatives being three things.

Dee, Billy, and Destiny.
Dee and Destiny as unlikely as it is.
Dee and Lee, throwing in lower value cards with one or two biggies.

I draw Leadership too but can only assure you that I only added Tactics. If it’s a framejob, kudos to whoever pulled that off.

Based on what I put into the check, I’m inclined to believe Lee was not the one who spiked that. It’s far from a certainty though.

From my view, it’s the Admiral or the President which is definitely worrying. Definitely can’t be Hardball.

For the viper, I’ll activate a redshirt to launch in 2 to take a hit, along with the other nugget already there. I can’t visualize the raider situation until I see it laid out but it sounds like a fun mess we’ve got.

Got it.

@rho21 your card draw?

It had probably better be piloting.


cottle Michael Robert six

Your turn @rho21

Eh, this viper needs a clean, I was really sweating that one.
I’ll discard (Politics) 0FtH (hate that card) to land in the hangar bay. Use my power to fix up a nice fresh MkVII and launch in it to 4.

Then I’ll get with the shooting. (Piloting) 6BotB to clear out some raiders. @CraigM

Ok, so net result +1 Mk VII, attack
Roll 7, you kill all the raiders twice.

Prisoner Revolt
Starting with @Knightsaber

And I will be out the rest of the day

2 cards


1 card @Perky_Goth

0 cards
