Building a new machine (also, USB naming can die in a fire)

Uh oh. With a thought like that, now you have to get the proper one. Otherwise next time your machine starts experiencing problems, you’re going to start wondering if you should have gotten the proper one.

Don’t do that. Now if I buy the proper one, I’ll beat myself up for being a sucker.

I’d get a proper one.

Definitely get a proper extender. Burning out a motherboard is not a pleasant experience.

OK, I bought one, but if everything is fine and I have no issues I’m blaming you guys.

The cable price was £6.66 , whats the worst that could happen?

In a parallel universe, another me stuck with the cable he had and nothing bad happened. He is £6.66 richer and very smug about it. If we ever meet he’s sure to rub it in my face.

Damn, it really isn’t just GPU prices. Even the trusty Tomahawk x570 is $260 dollars now. Ram prices seem to be up? I keep my desktops forever so I’m willing to pay for quality and stability (especially in the case/motherboard/cpu because everything else is upgraded easily) but parts across the range are all marked up.

Yeah; the tariffs majorly suck. I honestly don’t get the sense of them at this point; I understood the “red meat” with Trump, but why now?

The tariffs are a thing that exist, they were a bad idea to start, but once they’re in, it would be wasteful to relax them without a negotiation.

Intel is investing 10 B in Europe, 3.5 B in New Mexico, 20 B in Arizona, 600 M in Israel. Strategic disengagement from Asia economy? Dunno.

edit: My mistake, Intel is asking for 10 B in European subsidies to build a plant.

Don’t you think there’s going to be some pretty harsh blowback soon about manufacturing stuff in countries other than China? I feel like that’s why Apple made a commitment (verbal at least, I don’t know the details) to manufacture iPhones in the US. I have no idea how they make them price competitive but that ain’t my problem to figure out.

Basically this. Biden’s trade negotiator has said she wouldn’t have run the trade war like Trump’s did, but now that they have all this leverage (tariffs), they aren’t in a rush to lower them unless China offers something back. China isn’t doing that, so stalemate.

They also want supply chains to shift, at least in strategic sectors - which includes electronics - but the policy supporting that probably won’t be out until later this year or even early next year. Lowering the tariffs too early could be counterproductive - don’t take the stick away until you have a carrot to replace or compliment it.

Under Biden trade policy is supposed to encourage supply chains shifting out of China and into the US or allies - it’s something of a incentive for other countries to get on board the China bashing train, knowing they may capture some of that export sector from China.

I haven’t managed to snag a GPU but finally got a retail price 5950x (actually retail minus 5% Amazon cashback). This is going to go great with my current 750Ti setup.

Well done! I really love my 5950X, although it is ridiculous overkill for my uses.

Didn’t see it mentioned… Or did anyone see a thread talking about this? Looks like a bunch of new mobos are hitting the market for AMD. X570S , now with passive chipset cooling.

Think I’ll finally bite the bullet and get my parts ordered by the end of this month. With a GPU later in the year hopefully at MSRP. :)

Yeah, the only difference from the X570 platform is the passive cooling, but some manufacturers may be taking the opportunity to update their connectivity options with the refresh. Please note, passive cooling isn’t necessarily “better” but it will always be more quiet for those looking to build the most silent PC possible.

570 chipset cooling is effectively silent these days, the problem was at launch when they ran the fans too loud. No longer an issue.

So I was tasked by a friend to help him build ba $1200 machine that could play Battlefield 2042 in 1080p. I know now is the worst time ever to build a system because GPU prices and availability are garbage, but this is about the best I could come up with short of buying used parts.
