By the power of ̶ ̶G̶r̶a̶y̶s̶k̶u̶l̶l̶ ̶ Netflix, He-Man returns

Same guy!

This one might be my favorite of his though:

Does he have albums because so far, all the songs he has written have been legendary!

Wow, quite a few, though good luck tracking them all down.

So um… I watched the first two episodes last night and He-Man “died”. Then he wasn’t even in the 2nd episode? He comes back right?


It’s now Masters of the Universe - not He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

As some how has never watched to much He-Man (it was never really on in the Netherlands, or on BBC, like Ninja Turtles, GI Joe or Transformers), is there anything I need to know beyond Prime Dude with magic sword turns into bulky guy with Tiger/Monster mount? Because that’s about all I know, outside the fact that the evil guy is named Skeletor, and there is some sort of Lady of Lake thing going on.

I never really watched the show as a kid either, but I was aware of it. I think I was just a little too old for it.

Anyway, I figured it all out just fine. This isn’t Shakespeare.

I mean the show summarized everything you need to know in the first 15 seconds.

I really like this show and ended up watching everything in a couple of days. Skeletor’s voice was a tad off and took me a little to get used to mainly because the original VA is unforgettable.

I wish She-Ra went this route instead as I hated the reboot.

That is not a universally held sentiment.


No, but it just wasn’t for me. I really like the original and I was hoping they would continue the orignal series like what He-Man just did.

I tried a couple of times but everything (especially the animation) falls flat for me. However I do look forward to my daughter growing a little older so I can try again with her.

Wow they sure got me! Shame on me for expecting the Masters of the Universe show to be about He-man.

Got to the end of episode 4 today. Didn’t cry at all. Nope, not me.

SPOP, the She Ra reboot, is (to me) straight up and unreservedly the best show on earth; I hope you can get through the beginning to really enjoy all it has to offer. It’s very much its own thing, but that thing is just incredible. I still cry every time I watch the finale. Which is now several times…

I binged Revelation today and really liked it. I definitely would have preferred it got the SPOP treatment, but for what it was, it was about as good as could be. I really didn’t expect Kevin Smith and Co to make me really feel for a bunch of doofy looking toys with very bad names I vaguely remembered from my very early childhood, and yet, they really did. Several moments in the new show really choked me up. Bravo, and I’m VERY here for the second half.

I finished this last night. Summary: Fuck you Kevin Smith. But maybe he’ll redeem himself.


  • The artwork was awesome. Everyone was ripped, the animation was clean (so much better than Castlevania), it looked like an entire planet of bodybuilding freaks JUST LIKE IT SHOULD.
  • Lena Heady as Evil Lyn. Her voice was so good, the character had white hair which shocked me, and she had actual character development.
  • Orko. Loved everything he was in. They leaned into him being a joke, and he redeemed himself. With Evil Lyn’s help!
  • Trap Jaw’s spinning blade car toy which I had as a kid, and the cartoon even had the little blunt circles on the saw teeth because we gotta keep this toy safe!
  • Their yacht had angry eyes.
  • All the vehicles really
  • Skeletor was great. Yeah it was just Hamill’s Joker voice again but whatever.


  • Teela phoned it in. That was Sarah Michelle Gellar? Yikes. Zero effort.
  • Whoever the fuck Teela’s sidekick was. Useless character. Just make it Stratos or Ram Man or someone from the old show. Pointless character that did nothing.
  • No He-Man.
  • Barely any Skeletor. And he didn’t have any of his trademark Skeletor insults.

But ok maybe this is a big build up to He-Man’s return. Like when we wait an entire episode to see Hulk bust out and kick some ass. Kevin Smith said, “You really fucking think Mattel Television, who hired me and paid me money, wants to do a fucking ‘Masters of the Universe’ show without He-Man? Grow the fuck up, man.”

Don’t let me down, Kevin Smith.

He-Man was my top show. For some kids it was GI Joe, for others it was Transformers, I was all about He-Man. So, gimme some goddamn He-Man. “Grow up man”. I am grown up! I’m a 40 year old man who just got his ass kicked at work all week and I want to sit on the goddamn couch and watch some goddamn He-Man and hum the fucking He-Man song to forget how much the world sucks because I can’t go outside because there’s smoke from a wildfire in FUCKING CALIFORINA here in Boston and it’s orange and hazy and smells like ashes.


I think it was Kevin Smith’s daughter.

You guys misremember how lame the original show was because you were kids.

(edited to remove: “fucking kids” might imply pedophiles)

No I remember because I watched it with a Tinder date in November and we had a great time. It was her idea.

Oh wow this is actually a thing.