Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 doesn't get Roman numerals

What are you playing on? It looks great on PS4 Pro.

Yeah, that’s totally not internet hyperbole.

More maps, cosmetics to unlock, new areas being added to the Blackout map, and a new specialist coming to MP.

Are they splitting the player base? I have no interest in the expansion, so I’ll be playing a different version of the Blackout map from the expansion people?

The update has both free and season pass stuff. The blackout stuff is, as I understand it, in the free portion of the update.

Correct. Blackout updates are all free.

Ok, so I have gotten way into this game. I got a code for the base game for free from an intel based laptop purchase, and fuck is it good.

I have played maybe 1 round of Blackout, which is meh. I got my fill of BR games in PUBG. This is my first real return to regular ass call of duty gameplay. Holy crap is this fun. I love the time to kill, the (somewhat) fairness of the firefights. The tickrate is not great, and often times you will have an encounter where you die behind a wall, because of the tickrate on server being behind you, but overall it is really polished. I like the tier system for season unlocks.

I bought the season pass for 50 bucks (wow) and have been having a blast. It has not been difficult to get into matches, though finding matches on the new maps does take a bit longer than they typical TDM playlist.

Kill Confirmed is so good. One of the best additions to the game (since I played like MW2 ages ago) Camping isn’t as rampant in this game due to the speed you move. I love the non-regen health, the different specialists abilties, and just straight up speed of the game.

After playing so much Battlefield lately, it is refreshing to get back into a game that is so quick.

The daily tier-skip mechanic has me going back in every day to play. I would like to try zombies, but I am scared at how complicated the game gets.

Kill Confirmed is one of my favorite COD modes. It adds just the right amount of extra tactical decisions.

Not only is Blackout getting a new map, but Blackout will be f2p all this month!

40 players on Alcatraz.

So many memories from the WMD map.

Excited for the new maps and guns.

So I’m so confused by this Specter $30 deal. Does the game really suck on Xbox without the PS4 early unlocks? Does this not get you later DLC or you gotta wait 3-6 months for it?


Its MP only and the DLC map packs never get played because the majority of players don’t buy them. Don’t worry about any exclusives.

Treyarch’s David Vonderhaar, the lead on Blackout and the competitive MP scene, has announced that he’s been told to withdraw from the series. His Twitter has been closed.

I was asked by someone I respect to disconnect my day to day with the Call of Duty world I was apart of. I respect that. It makes sense. Before I go … Good luck to all the Call of Duty World League Esports heros.