Call of Duty: Black Ops

What is Quick Scoping?

Quick scoping refers to the tactic of quickly aiming down the sight or scope of a weapon and firing almost instantly. Generally, sniper rifles are the weapon of choice for quick scopers, but in reality and gun equipped with an ACOG or telescopic sight may be used. Sniper rifles are preferred because of their powerful nature. This tactic is usually employed only by experienced gamers as it is a very difficult (but by no means impossible) skill to master.

How Does it Work?

The basic concept is as follows: the player quickly presses the aim/zoom button so that he is aiming halfway down the scope. As soon as the scope appears white, the accuracy of the gun is improved dramatically (when compared to hip firing). This effect is particularly strong with sniper and bolt-action rifles - the hip fire accuracy becomes the cross hair accuracy (when zoomed in), which allows the player to achieve highly accurate shooting with minimal time spent aiming/zooming.

Good to know, thanks Calvin. Did you see that clip before it was removed? It was very alarming. Perhaps he just got lucky/made a compilation video and that’s why I thought quickscoping looked even more lethal.

IkeVandergraaf, here’s a quickcope montage.

There was some quickscoping in the Gun Game video at CVG.

Removed already, how can Actv move so fast?

Man quick-scoping should be so easy to defeat on the dev side. Sounds like a bit of laziness if they aren’t doing anything about it (apparently).

— Alan

Because your posting it in a forum visited frequently by the developers.

So is it possible to shoot the R/C car when it is coming at you? I would assume yes, but, haven’t seen it happen yet.

yes, you get points for it too.

there’s a few quick scopes in there. :(

I thought quick scoping was shooting before you even reach full zoom… doesnt seem like thats whats happening there.

Hark, no matter how much they nerf autoaim and slow the zoom speed, good quickscopers (and though they are not the best teammates, there are some ridiculously good ones) will be able to hit the shots. This is a little slower and less auto-aim than COD4 by all accounts, which is fine. If you line someone up perfectly and get a quick scope off with less auto-aim, more power to you. They have toned it down, and frankly, if it’s that upsetting to everyone you need to think about the efforts taken to tone it down AND the 58bajillion other things Treyarch is making less frustrating for us in this game!

The vids indicate that you literally get points for doing EVERYTHING. It is out of control how much they are rewarding you and seemingly encouraging you to prestige by doling out experience. I love love love the reward popups and the music, so bring it on!

Wait what? What Qt3’er works at Treyarch?

one of the thing I really like in the MP is making your own video, we had one guy made a video where he was controlling an RC, and you see from the RC’s perspective as it tries to chase down another player. At very last moment, that player does a dive to prone through a window, and manage to escape the explosion, it was extremely awesome, and he manage to capture that escape from multiple angles and slow motion too.

there was some really fun ones with wire guided missile as well, had one where someone was controlling the missile, and saw an RC car heading toward him, he tries to kill the RC car with missile and end up blowing himself up…

I believe idrisz works there.

Also, I doubt the video posted in a CVG article was taken down because of it being linked here. I’m pretty sure it had a lot nmore to do with it being posted on CVG in the first place.

I don’t know anyone else actually check Qt3 from Treyarch, there was one guy from luxoflex.

I know I kiss your ass all the time, but I want to say again how much of a fan of Treyarch I am and how much I admire what you guys are doing with Black Ops. It has seriously made me excited for a game that I haven’t felt in a long time.

So yeah, tell Mark and David and JD thanks!

Well I know Idrisz works there anyway. I’m not too sure if anyone else does but I’d be surprised, given this places reputation, if he’s the only one.

This game sounds better with every bit of info that comes out.

Online splitscreen multiplayer confirmed!

Being that it’s the Playstation Blog, there’s no word of the 360 version having it, but I’m sure it has to be. Can we get a confirmation?

Edit: NVM. Confirmed for both.

I just preordered from and got this sweet* preorder bonus wallpaper.

Guaranteed release day delivery + $5 off retail is a win-win for me. I also get to skip MA’s dumb sales tax.

    • not really