Can anyone explain the Kardashians to me?

Never noticed them, but then, I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to them, or Paris, or the Olsen Airheads, or whatever vapid endless-shopping, connected amateur model is the latest cause celebre. Heck, I haven’t even seen their sex tapes, much less their other reality shows.

Man, I came to this thread hoping for enlightenment, not confirmation of my overwhelming cynicism and disdain for humanity.

Couldn’t someone at least have the decency to make up a legitimate reason for these people to be famous? Like, say, they rescued Roy from the jaws of his tiger a few years ago and was granted a TV spot as thanks?


He’s going for this insult:

Which is not entirely applicable but as long as he’s having fun.

Their dad nobly helped defend a black man wrongly accused of murder. Even though he eventually wondered about how the whole blood trail led directly to OJ.

The sisters helped dress those unfortunates who weren’t born rich and famous by kindly selling them clothes from their expensive boutiques. What’s more noble than that?

I’ll say this in their defense: As far as people “famous for being famous” go, the Kardashians seem relatively low on horrifically bad behavior (in terms of getting falling down drunk every week, running people over with cars, saying appalling racist shit all the time, etc), which puts them above Lohan, those idiots from The Hills, Paris Hilton, etc.

Also, I actually think Kim Kardashian is attractive, in a sort of teetering on the edge of overblown way. It’s like someone took Nicole Scherzinger or Sarah Shahi in an MMO character generator and then set all the sliders to 11.

I assume you don’t mean the one that actually had an acting career before she discovered the majesty that is…well, we know at least liquor is involved. I’m pretty sure she’s been replaced by Emma Stone, but as far as I know she’s still at least trying to work.

Yeah, I mean the one who breaks her probation every 15 minutes and doesn’t really ever seem to get punished for it. The one with what,2, 3 DUIs now? The one who hasn’t really been a working actor for years now. (To be fair to her, her parents seem to be monsters)

I’ll grant you that, idolizing the shallow isn’t nearly as appalling as idolizing the appalling.

I couldn’t name two people from The Hills (Lauren Conrad and… oh, I guess Heidi something, right? So I guess three people) but I can’t think of anything I’ve heard of any of them engaging in reckless behavior, getting stupid drunk in public or saying racist shit. The worst I can think of is that whatserface had a bit of a plastic surgery addiction. Are you maybe thinking of Jersey Shore, or is there more going on behind the overly made up, smooth, disturbingly featureless faces of The Hills cast than I realize?

Edit: Even Paris has kind of cleaned up her act. Though whenever I look at Paris Hilton it’s hard not to compare her to another real estate millionaire’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, who is just downright respectable. I like Ivanka almost as much as I hate her ridiculous father.

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt from The Hills have gotten steadily more suspect as time has gone by. Heidi musical…errr…attempts are something of a horrible joke, and I think they got a little bit wiggy on Celebrity Torture Island Go! or whatever that show on NBC was called. Lauren Conrad, on the other hand, was depicted in the show as a vapid, useless waste of human skin, but I don’t think she’s ever done anything really objectionable, and Stephanie Pratt (Spencer’s sister, and I feel like a bad human now) has been game enough about her stupid behavior to actually go on The Soup, which is one of my standard metrics for Getting It ™.

I thought that Hugin was specifically calling out despicable behavior (thus the mention of Lindsey ‘oops, she got another DUI while her vagina fell out’ Lohan) as opposed to stupid behavior. If you want to call out a show for celebrating extremely stupid behavior, what’s the deal with Jackass? Though I imagine most people here would give Jackass a pass.

What I mean is that Spidey flirted with that for a while. Spencer tried out going full crazy to see if that would get anybody to pay more attention to them. Heidi is just terrible at everything she does, but aside from the stuff that she’s done jointly with Spencer (9/11 was an inside job comes to mind, though faking a divorce is up there) I don’t think she’s done anything too reprehensible on her own. They’ve all fallen off the face of the Earth as far as I know. The fact that I haven’t heard anything from Spencer in over a year suggests to me that all of the crap he got in trouble for might have been an act. Except the bankruptcy. That’s just his natural financial aptitude coming to the fore.

You are dead to me.

Wtf Seiler I thought you were a man of science.

Yeah, but I watch The Soup.

The amazing thing? We haven’t even discussed the worst of the worst reality shows yet - the ones that wallow in the basest human crapulence they can find and don’t even have the courtesy to make any of their participants famous. If you want to wish death on the entire human race, watch Bad Girls’ Club and/or Tool Academy. Fortunately, I haven’t seen many clips from those sorts of shows lately, outside of Jersey Shore, so at least we’ve geographically contained the infection in that regard.

Obligatory. (NSFW, some boobage)

As far as the Hills people go, I was going off the top of my head. One of them I believe got into a bar fight he claimed was just for the show or not. Two or three of them have said or tweeted stupid racist stuff. Pratt got into trouble trying to sneak a gun onto a plane. Just jackassery like that.

Nothing is as bad as the Teen Pregnancy shows, the Top Model shows or the show about the kids who enter beauty contests. My daughters watch all of those, hour after hour.

Give them chores.

We don’t have a television (or any access to cable TV media) and threads like this make me sooooooooooooooooooo fucking glad. Reality TV has no way to get a foothold in our house. Well, it might be on Netflix, I haven’t looked and plan NEVER TO LOOK. Fortunately the Xbox parental controls would block all that shit out from our kids’ view anyway…