Chloe Dykstra speaks out about her emotionally abusive ex

I dunno, that’s a pretty famous quote. One everyone knows, but almost nobody has ever even heard of the origin of

“Heav’n has no rage like love to hatred turn’d / Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d”
- Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Resorting to damage control may never be a positive thing, but I can’t blame anyone for attempting it. He should have kept the accusation of infidelity out of it, though.

Only because it isn’t pertinent to the abuse allegations. But imagine if she’s making all this shit up, obviously he is profoundly hurt both emotionally and professionally, and wants to explain why she would do something so terrible.

She acknowledges kissing another man, what we’re left with is categorizing a person’s feelings about that. If somebody considers that cheating it seems fair enough to me, so I don’t think he is making accusations. And I think the whole thing is only mentioned in the context of how the relationship ended since they have totally different stories.

This type of case that leaves me with a large degree of disquiet. I’m inclined to take the allegations at face value and believe them. People need to be able to speak up and feel like they’ll be believed. Yet I’m mindful of the fact that allegations like these can basically ruin somebody’s life and career so its seems reasonable there should be some level of proof and we have nothing. I don’t know how to reconcile those 2 things in “he said/she said” scenarios.

It sounds very much like she has all of the necessary receipts on this. And seriously fuck a guy who would ruin someones career with a blacklisting over a break-up.

Yeah, regardless of the breakup, it’s unprofessional to talk bad about someone. But there is blacklisted like Judd is accusing Weinstein of doing after a strong acting debut, and this, there it’s basically a cosplay girl who did some extra work and got an on screen job her boyfriend gave her. Imagine the reaction of an actual actress as to her claiming being “blacklisted”. Imagine Judd’s. Or maybe she sympathsizes, that would be a valuable perspective.

It sucks if this guy was a bad boyfriend (or worse, abusive), but when you enter a relationship with a guy 20 years older than you who is podcast famous, I don’t think it’s fair to say your career didn’t work out because the very premise of your career was a relationship, not talent and time and working already, like Judd.

This is definitely a story that needs to be told, a warning to not give your heart away so easily. Kind of a bold statement though as she tagged her article with “sexual assault”.

The he said/she said kinda comes down to that term and its truth for me.

You are aware that you once again are victim blaming here, right?
She was a 20 year old enamored with a highly successful host and comedian. How was she to know that he was a bastard. You can’t expect people to avoid evil, and sometimes instead you have to tackle the evil.

Anyway, he was a big deal when it comes to comic Conn and other trendy projects so being black listed by him would suck.
Edit - spelling

Oh I didn’t really know who he was, sorry. I saw he was doing a Walking Dead show. If she was a semi professional cosplayer and he was a leader in that scene, then yeah, that’s bad.

I’m not sure we are victim blaming here. I think this one is way more complex than it initially appeared. I am trying to withhold judgement on either side, clearly she feels terrible and we should definitely respect that.

It sure sounds like you are.

Pretty hard to get time working when the first gig you have gets you blacklisted.

It can come off as condescending to deny a person’s agency like that. A legal adult was in a relationship with another legal adult and either one of them could have terminated that relationship at any time. Is it fair to characterize her as helpless and mentally unfit to act in her best interests without personal knowledge of any such mental issues?

I would assume she was dependent on him, as she has no real source of income outside of his influence. Living in his house, eating his food, etc.

Personally agency is a myth, at least without having perfect understanding what actions are available or what the consequences would be.
We are at the mercy of our upbringing, culture and society. We don’t know what are options are and we are usually limit to what society tells is possible.

In this case, the woman’s career and standing on hinged upon the approval of this one guy. She couldnt know what actions she could take to get her out of the situation she was in.

In the end, all her 'personal agency’s got her was being blacklist from the career she wanted to pursue because of my guy.

So if personal agency is a myth, does that absolve the man in this relationship from his agency? Or are you arguing that women only can’t have personal agency?

Nope, for the same reason you put down a rabid dog. Sometimes you do things to better society as a whole.

Dykstra was already a cosplayer and videogame reporter on other shows on other networks before her relationship with Hardwick. And if (as alleged) he actually called media outlets after the breakup and threatened not to work with them, then it is definitely fair to complain about it.

And personally, I think that Judd would sympathize with her, not say, “Oh she’s not a real actress so it doesn’t matter.”

Edit: I just googled “why women stay in abusive relationships” because you’re just doing the whole “she could have left at any time” schtick. If I’m wrong about what you were saying that could be on me and I’ll apologize in advance if I misunderstood. Meanwhile if you want a longer dissertation on the subject, search that in google yourself and view the many resources. “Smarter people than me have talked about this…” is what I’m getting at. I don’t think there’s an expert among us.

Somehow this smacks of some Dennis logic from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

They are free to go any time… but they won’t … because of the implication…

This would also make it appropriate to be a part of MeToo.

Well, you can take the position you want, but I’m never going to be in favor of euthanising Ms. Dykstra.