Christien Murawski, 1969-2019

Thank you for the details, Tom. This really hits home. Not only was I a fan of the podcast, but I was a fan of Dingus. Moreover, my own wife is having liver issues. A couple of days before Thanksgiving, she got a biopsy. The day before Thanksgiving, she went to the ER for a CAT scan. Things weren’t feeling right to her.

Fortunately for me, that has passed. She still has health issues though. This news hit me like a ton. Two tons, really.

I’m sorry for the loss of your dear friend, Tom. We, the QT3 community, love you.


Thanks to you, Christien, and Kelly for sharing a little bit of your lives with us every week. I probably could listen to the three of you talk about anything and be just as entertained and enlightened. Thanks for making the community a part of the fun, too, taking the time to read listener feedback and 3x3 contributions, even if we were just trolling Kelly with some Anime.

I think I’ll pour a drink and watch The Hunt for Red October tonight in Christien’s honor. I’ll try not to stand up and shout “Nice!” when Seaman Beaumont makes his debut, but I can’t make any promises.

“Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” - Clarence, It’s A Wonderful Life


Thanks for sharing that @tomchick.

I’m very sorry to hear this, through our few exchanges in the podcast thread, his clever and enthusiastic work on the podcast, and his care for his family, I was really fond of Chris. He’s 10 years younger than me, that’s too young. He will be remembered.

He sounds like he was family to you and it never gets easy when a family member passes. I listened to tons of podcasts etc before I became that annoying girl here live. I am so sorry.

Thanks for sharing that, @tomchick.

I am really going to miss Dingus on the movie podcast. I went back and “watched” a few. You got to, right. I found that I always tended to align a lot with xtien, especially when it was a 2 vs 1 split with Christien as the old man out.

What a joy.

Thank you Tom for telling us about Christien’s final days. That means a lot. My mother passed away last year and even now I don’t think I can revisit that time in the detail as you have done - that must have taken inordinate strength to share with us.

While dealing with my loss I turned to Rilke who wrote quite a lot about loss and grief in letters to his friends and family. One thing he wrote has always stuck with me:

“When I looked for the person who had passed away, he gathered inside of me in peculiar and such surprising ways, and it was deeply moving to feel that he now existed only there.”

Hail and Farewell Christen. You will always exist in us.

One of my favorite memories is when Christien breaded my bird.


She got a really bad injury on her foot and I didn’t have anything to stop the bleeding. Christien came over while I was at work and googled around for a solution. He mixed together some flour and corn starch, and held the dove’s foot down in the mixture until the bleeding stopped.

That is weird and wonderful.


I have many birds and Christien was friends with all of them… especially Sam, the darker cockatiel. Sam’s friend Alec always wants to be where Sam is, except more annoying.

Thanks for posting that story and the pics @fire. Really cute and heartwarming. What an amazing person Christien was.

“Not sure if dinner…”

Thank for the pictures. How many is… many?


s/birds/board games for me! That’s an awesome fun fact.

@fire and @tomchick

Those memories were truly beautiful. Thank you so, so much for sharing. What a beautiful life.

“Mission says we have done well.
That we are an effective team.”



I don’t come to these forums often enough, so I found out about this just now and it broke my heart. I’m just a listener, occasional lurker in the forums and even rarer poster, but I love the podcast and what Christien brought to it.

My condolences to everyone, especially those closest to him. I can only say that his intelligence, kindness and humor were greatly appreciated, even for those like myself who only knew him as a voice on the internet.

Thanks to Tom, Fire and others for sharing, and thank you Christien. You will be missed.

Ooh, great quote, and ouch.

Thank you for your post, Tom. My heart is broken for your loss.