
I will have to exert some self-control and not watch.

My wife and I really enjoyed Chuck, and just bought season 1 on DVD. We are just over half-way done, ready for the season premier. I do enjoy how they fleshed out the characters and made them more interesting as the season went on. Looking forward to season 2.

I like Chuck.

It is an OK show.

But even if it were poo, I’d still watch it for Adam Baldwin.

Sorry sir. smash

Now that’s how you do a season premier. Loved Casey’s high tech gadgets and his brush with death, MC Duncan was awesome, Weinerlicious is now a Yogurt shop, and the gratuitous “getting ready for the date” shots were fantastic. My only nit to pick was that Chuck can’t quit the Buy More, as it’s the source of so much hilarity every episode.

I thought it was nicely done as well. A good balance of moving things forward, while keeping them the same enough. Good job all around.

The writing on this show is great. The last two episodes have featured some really funny dialog and the guest stars are awesome (Go Michael Strahan!). I started out with this show last year just laughing at the Buy More segments and rolling my eyes at the spy stuff, but now I find myself enjoying it all. The spy stuff never takes itself too seriously, but the dialog has gotten a lot better and the situations more entertaining.

Plus, I’m not sure it’s possible for Yvonne Strahovski to be any hotter…holy crap.

I have to agree, this show is much improved over last year. Last year, the spy stuff was done really stupidly, but this year it’s much more interesting. Adam Baldwin is still my favorite part of the show.

Despite my initial skepticism, I’m still watching this show. Spy stuff is still goofy, Chuck’s normal life is far more entertaining, and the will-they-or-won’t-they stuff with Sarah and Chuck is annoying.

I’m still a few shows behind because of a work schedule change but thanks to hulu, I’m convinced that the Buy More parts are the best part of the show.

Baracuda rock’n. “I need a background clearance on a one, Anna Woo” - practically made me fall out of my chair in hysterics. Strahan vs Woo was brilliant.

And from the previous week, with the Thunderdome (complete with bungies) duel for the Assistant Manager, so classic.

The writing, especially the BuyMore humor has absolutely improved over the initial season. I am again hooked on this show.


Yeah this show is so fantastically charming… it’s one of my favorite things on TV.

The geek jokes on Chuck were especially excellent last night, from the disbelieving “You have a Zune?” to the awesome dissing of the Nerd Herd by the game programmers.

I was rolling at the whole Missle Command thing, and yeah, the scenes at “Atari” were awesome, oh, and the RUSH references killed me.

Last night’s was fantastic. It perfectly balanced the spy stuff with the Buy More and Chuck’s personal life. “You mean the guy who created Missile Command commands actual missiles?”

Loved the “Ladies and Gentlemen!.. ok, just Gentlemen” when they were getting ready to roll with the Missile Command part at the Buy More. They pegged the nerd culture of guys like me who played that in our teens and 20s and what they’re like today.

[I]After all is said and done
You’ve never walked, you’ve never run,
You’re a winner

You got the moves, you know the streets
Break the rules, take the heat
You’re nobody’s fool

You’re at your best when when the goin’ gets rough
You’ve been put to the test, but it’s never enough


I totally marked out when that song played.

I thought that was the worst episode so far. It went way over the top in a way that the show hasn’t before. Plus, they stole the whole Rush thing from Futurama.

The last episode was obviously heavily influenced by watching King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters. The whole initial scene with Jeff was obviously a spoof on Mr. Awesome (an actual Missile Command champion). Overall I thought it was one of their best episodes yet. The first episode of the season seemed a bit rough, but I always hate shows that are gratutious recaps of the series. Since then things have gotten a lot better though.

I just wanted to pop in for a quick hit and say that I loved this show. I started with it from Day 1 last year and it has been one of my favorite shows on TV since (Im going to put it top 4 right now I think maybe top 3?). I am just absolutely in love with the show, the characters, the setting, and especially the writing. It is just so, so charming.

This is supposed to be drop in, so if I decide I want to do my usual essay on why its so awesome I will come back later!

Fun episode. Loved the weird shot at the Zune.

But c’mon, everyone knows that Dave Theurer designed Missile Command.

…right? :(

(Seriously, though. Theurer is awesome. While designing Missile Command he had nightmares about his hometown and all the people he knew burning in nuclear fires. Also, he’s a crimefighter on the side.)