City Builder / Colony Manager General Discussion Thread

I just got Dorfromantik. As a fan of family games of Carcassonne, i’ll give it one fairly confident, but sleepy, thumbs up.

Nice! Thanks for sitting this!

I’m very much loving Dorfromantik. Still trying to figure out optimal strategies when I’m chasing points but sometimes I just like to put together a nice looking map. I’m really enjoying the seeded monthly game as well, it’s a nice feature that I’m glad was included.

Plus the music is wonderful.

Indeed, it’s a very relaxing game.

So I recently began playing SimCity Creator on the 3DS and it’s really, REALLY good. You start off in challenge mode in the stone age and go through different time periods. Really enjoying it so far.

Is that available for Switch too?

Doesn’t appear to be so.

Sweet Transit demo went live recently. It’s interesting to see demos being offered so frequently now, even for early access titles. Maybe Valve is encouraging it to reduce refund fees.

I have sky high hopes for that game.

PC Gaming Show showed off 3 unique looking City Builders that I think all look lovely.

Synergy: (desert)

Abyssals: (bottom of the ocean)

Laysara: Summit Kingdom (on the side of a mountain)

All 3 could be cool. Especially Laysara.

It’s because wishlists are pretty much the best kind of early engagement that games can get (besides buying early access, I guess). It is a bit weird and cool to see a renaissance of demos. I feel like their original heyday was in that era when game magazines came with disks.

Have you played it? I tried it for 20 minutes or so but got stuck unable to figure out how to get my coal mine staffed. Not the greatest first impression which is the potential downfall of a demo.

Yes, I finished the tutorials and tinkered a bit. The UI is impressively well designed. I’ll probably try it again to unlock and set up the other industries. I wasn’t really expecting to like this, but I think it’s pretty slick.

You need: available workers, a suitable track layout connecting the stations, a route with those stations, and a train with passenger capacity assigned to that route. Best guess: maybe you forgot to change the load/unload route defaults to workers/workers.

There could be a bug, or some non-obvious bit of UI (like you have to click on a town to get its build menu, no roads in the general logistics tab).

If you still need help, tell me which tutorial it is and what the help text is for the step you’re stuck on, and I’ll try it again to find the exact solution.

Yeah, I think it was that I could never quite figure out the full route set up. I can probably watch a video that walks through that.

This looks interesting, a turn based city builder. I don’t think I’ve seen that before.

From the Steam’s Next Fest, I’m going to try out this demo tonight if I can fit it in. I love the idea of a city builder that’s actually a nature builder.


Wasnt there a Dice based city builder? I kinda thought that was a TBS (not certain)

Nope looks like it was not:

There was Dice Legacy last year, but I don’t think it’s turn based. More real-time with pause.


You beat me by a second!

Haha yeah I saw! :)

I was interested in the game initially but after the mixed reviews I never got around to buying it.