Classic/Slow-Paced RTS Multiplayer "Tournament" aka Old Games for Old People

So, here is a list of a few games so far, most discussed in some fashion or another. Sadly, I don’t own all of these games.

Let me know if new games should be added.

AoE 2
AoE 3
Kohan 2
StarCraft (it was suggested)
Warlords Battlecry 3
Stars War Battlegrounds
Empire, Battle for Dune (Although, no idea if that works)
Stars Wars Empire at Wars (with mods?)
Dawn of War
Dawn of War 2
Dawn of War 3 (Just to be complete)
Spellforce 2
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander 2
Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes 2
Empire: Total War
Total War: Rome
Total War: Rome 2
Total War Shogun
Total War: Shogun 2
Medieval: Total War
Medieval 2: Total War
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Total War: Warhammer 2
Tooth and Tail
Offworld Trading
World in Conflict

A new poll is out for those that would like to participate in the 2nd tournament.