Cliff Bleszinski says he's done making games

Obviously, I think the Witcher 3 and Odyssey comparison is ridiculous, but to play devil’s advocate, I’d say the “bones underneath” for both games are pretty similar too. In fact, when you look at what player skills the games demand, the similarities are a lot closer than either community would like to admit. A pretty good Witcher 3 player will probably have great success in Odyssey and vice versa with very little period of adjustment. Talk to people, make choices, get quests, kill enemies, loot chests, craft gewgaws, level up and gain skills, etc. The combat is different, of course, but it’s still 3rd-person sword-swinging action for the most part.

Part of the difference is the balance between the mechanics of the game and the storytelling aspects of the game. Witcher and AC are more weighted on the story side. In contrast, PUBG and Fortnite are much more mechanic driven. Hence, the similarities in the mechanics (even if one were to argue that Witcher and AC have as much mechanics overlap) for PUBG and Fortnite makes for much more overlap.

Fortnite and PUBG might be the same genre, but the latter draws players from the Arma 3 crowd the former collects theirs from Ducktales.

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Great Books about Video Games (Some of which are likely to be interesting to you as a participant in a forum largely centered around gaming via electrons. How long can a paranthetical be in Discourse, anyway? The grilled cheese is the perfect sandwich.)

I pushed the gaming books stuff to a different thread but of course it’s fine to talk about the CliffyB book in here too.

Thanks, moved everything to your thread. Good thinking, back in 2017!