CoD: Warzone

I started playing this with my squad last week, and god help us we’re really enjoying it. I feel dirty.

The menu UX is a goddamn nightmare, though. I can’t tell who’s in my squad half the time, sometimes hitting B backs you out sometimes it doesn’t. Confirming every game that I want to leave with my party, instead of it just dropping you out to the party lobby individually like every other game does and having you ready up. Getting spam ads for DLC half the time when I exit a game that I have to cancel out of, and if I jam cancel too much I quit my party.

The game itself is so much fun, though.

The UX is terrible and constantly changing. The most recent update on the xbox makes it so if you’re playing quads the player on your team with the worst score doesn’t even show up without going into a menu to scroll down.

That said, LOVE the game.

It’s a decent iteration on the basic BR formula. That said, I prefer Hunt, but I can’t pick what my friends go gaga over for no particular reason that I can see (other than the perpetual Cult of the New, of course), so it’s either play this with them or Hunt by myself.

But yes, everything outside of the actual gameplay is very poorly done, although still largely better than PUBG, not that that’s some big accomplishment.

The game has stopped crashing for me, so that’s good. It’s new thing is whenever a new sound appears, like the notification the deposit helipads are open on Plunder, or that someone has made the million mark the whole game stutters and becomes unplayable for about 20 seconds.

I bought the last battlepass because of how much fun I was having, but constantly removing the formats I like and introducing new ways for the game to get me killed with every new patch meant I did not get this one and I’m about ready now to just give up and come back when it doesn’t have BETA written in the corner any more.

Since i just got into it last week I’m already 3 weeks behind on the pass and I don’t think I can finish it. So, I am not going to buy it.

I hate battlepasses. They trigger my OCD, I need to 100% them or convince myself it’s a waste of time.

I’ve played this a ton because I’m not working and I love Warzone. It’s right there with Apex for me at the top of the Battle Royale pyramid.

I played on PC yesterday and had no issues once I figured out some other program had commandeered my microphone. It’s a pretty game in its subdued brown and grey and green and occasional orange and blue way. I also have gotten a lot better since I started and my crew has won four times in the last week in either Quads or Trios. I’m up to 11 wins overall.

Highly recommend a loadout with an AR or SMG with a large mag. I have the Berliner kitted with a 100. It’s super useful for downing and finishing multiple players pre-reload. Money still comes in super fast so we get a Loadout asap and then self-revives and UAVs all the way to the wins.

I really like the mix of guns currently popping from crates. There are some really solid things like Necrosis and Cage Fighter along with Brushstroke/Bamboo Shoot to use til the loadouts. Also, the new King Bounties are interesting. Not always worth picking up as the risk can be high, but we do try to track them.

RE:Battle Pass… I’m at level 94 or so and I started it when the season started. I play a bunch (and Gunfight/Multiplayer too) so it’s probably about a three and a half week completion time maybe if you play a lot?

I only play Plunder mode. That way when I die eleven seconds into a round, (every round), I get to come back again.

This game is pretty fun! The first CoD game i have enjoyed in a multiplayer setting.

I will give that a try tonight. I’d love to play the game as I’ve had fun when I’ve been able to actually play. I’ve been spending my time going back and playing some Battlefield 4 the past week.

I’m having a hard time finding info on this: I know headshots matter, but do other ‘hitzones’ matter? Does hitting a player’s torso do more damage than hitting their legs?

@Kolbex so far I’ve tried 144 and 72 and it crashes during the warzone practice round. I will try 60 next.

Edit: I made it to the end of the practice round at 60, but it crashed during the victory scene.


Just in my experience playing heavily the last couple months, I think only headshots matter for one shot, one kill possibilities BUT it does seem to matter if you hit center mass or just wing people with guns that spread fire. The legs are separate entities with their own hit boxes too I think.

Also, note that game mode changes significantly the time to kill on people. Multiplayer is quicker than Warzone I think. I’m not sure if guns are tuned differently but combined with the plates in Warzone, it takes a lot more bullets to get someone down. Of course if you play Hardcore, you do not want to be hit at all.

Double everything again this weekend. 31 days left in the Battle Pass. I think it’s totally doable still. Keep in mind it’s not just a straight XP game to level it up. It’s some convoluted formula of things no one truly knows.

Pretty sure it’s time played with XP as a factor (if you get a lot of XP you get to the next tier a bit faster). Usually it takes 30-50 minutes between each tier. Normal double XP tokens don’t seem to make much difference, but during the double XP weekends, like this weekend, it definitely is faster.

Edit: played a bit earlier today, and it clearly says double XP for Battle Pass. So you progress twice as fast as normal this weekend, but from what I can tell nobody knows exactly how it’s calculated.

Woo, after several days of no problems, back to crashing every single match again.

Yep, every round I’ve played today has crashed.

I was crashing every round as well. The fix I found was after i got to the menu, to open up task manager,right click—> open file location, and rename ModernWarfare.exe to ModernWarfare1.exe. This has to be done when the game is running, as the launcher seems to create a new .exe file every time you launch. I crash 100% of the time without doing this, and crash 0% of the time when I do. Hope it helps!

I did that the first time I was crashing, and it seemed to work, but it eventually stopped working. I actually don’t think any of the “fixes” work and it’s all dead chickens being waved around.

Like, I fiddled with a couple setting, reducing the sharpness of shadows or something, and (perhaps crucially?) recompiled my shaders, and the crashing stopped…at least for last night. Seems totally random.

We won our first game last weekend, then won 2 more. It’s finally starting to click after about 2 weeks.

The last game we won, our entire squad wiped right off the drop. I was the only one to survive the gulag. I managed to run a scavenger and buy back one squaddie, then the two of us ran more scavengers to get the other two guys. We hit a world-drop loadout, had a few scraps, and managed to win the game in the end.

Here we are in all our glory. I remembered to record our 3rd win of that day. Not bad for a bunch of console guys forced to crossplay with PC.