Come guess this movie in the 2017 20:20 game!

OK, I’ll bite. What does the Guns of Navarone have to do with the Dick Van Dyke show?

You will have to ask Laura that question…

My folks used to watch reruns of the show when I was a kid. There was one particular episode that I really liked about Rob being taken off to jail after an argument with Laura (I think). It was right up there with “The Sleeping Brother” which was my other favorite, because it was so weird and confusing to me as a little kid.

Anyway, Rob gets accused of a crime and his alibi was that he went to the drive-in to see The Guns of Navarone. When he’s asked about the plot he says he slept through the movie. So the running gag–at least as I remember it–was, “You slept through The Guns of Navarone?!?”

I’d never seen it, but from that moment I wanted to.

I think I ended up seeing Force 10 first because Han Solo.


“Honey, you’re up. You’ve got a swinging lamp and a hot television set.”

Ok here’s a new 20:20 on a movie that hasn’t been done yet.

Sorry Tom, I picked a grandpa movie!

Hey @charmtrap …do you know who that is in the deep background of the Guns of Navarone 20:20?

That was for you.




I came for Han Solo, but I returned for Barbara Bach.

-Tom, avoiding a potentially funnier but more crass variation

Funny and crass enough both! ForumScore gives this post an A+.


Is that the Quinnster?!

Dang, I thought this would go two at least!





Indeed it is!


-This is the British Army post, man. Don’t you trust anybody?
-No. That is why I have lived for so long.

[quote=“CraigM, post:1073, topic:127824, full:true”]
Dang, I thought this would go two at least![/quote]

Dude, seriously? A picture of William Holden sitting in front of a table of bound pages reading a script?

I am disappointed there was no commentary on your images. Look how cute Betty is in the 80:80! And Gloria Swanson’s face in the 100:100 is the stuff of legend. She is so amazing.

Stand by for a non-grampa movie later tonight!


In what movie will you see this at the 20:20?


I don’t know, but I saw “The Birds 2020” and got excited for some kind of futuristic reboot, like the birds are robo-birds

I don’t know, but it looks Dario Argento-esque. Opera, maybe?

Is it Raw?

Intriguing guesses, but none of them correct so far.


Man, what would they even do with a Birds reboot? I mean, aside from what Birdemic has already done.


Based on ‘not Grampa’ and the color palette I’m going to guess The Devil’s Candy. Haven’t seen it but loved the trailer.

Ooh, that does look good. But that’s not what this movie is. So here’s a 40:40:
