CONTROL - (Remedy Entertainment and 505 Games)

I didn’t mind the checkpoints, but the 3 minute reloading screens (PS4) really frustrated me when I hit a wall at that television battle. <3 the assists.

Re: launch, that seemed like the optimal way to play.
I went with shields, levitation and wololo instead.
Tried melee too but that was a horrible idea.

Yup. I liked threshold kids, ordinary notes & the dr darling videos.

I didnt have load times that long on the PS4. SSD’s ftw I guess

I just started this at the beginning of the long weekend and it’s really, really good. When the powers really kick in and it’s all clicking along—about the time you get into the Maintenance sector—the chaos and dance of the combat become just lovely. Many of the encounters feel pretty standard, but the toolkit is fun to use. But every 30 minutes or so comes an encounter that’s just interesting, and takes far longer and is more challenging and just plain cool, and those make me hot-blooded and happy.

I’m not vibing hard on the story, though I normally like this kind of stuff. It’s all a little too ‘shit is weird, huh’ and not enough to really hang onto. When everything is up for grabs and possible, and there’s no real rules to keep track of or clear factions or…listen. I just want some clarity, okay? That’s not too much to ask.

But it’s not that kind of story, Doom.


Here, have a concrete chunk in ya face.

OH. If you’re on PC, I recommend choosing DX12 (go to the game folder if you don’t get a launcher, like me). AND, weirdly, alt-tabbing during long loads makes them speed up. WTF I don’t know but it works.


I started playing this yesterday. Can someone confirm all mysterious story elements are paid off by the end? If this is another Lost I don’t want to waste my time.

After finishing the main story and both DLC, I wasn’t left with any burning questions that I thought were left unanswered. That all said, there’s some stuff that’s part of the world that is kind of inscrutable, but it’s typically more background, and there’s a case to be made that even some of those elements could be explained if you connect the right dots or read the right collectible documents and squint at them in just the right way.

If you have any specific questions, like “Does it make sense for Jesse to just walk into the building and become the Director?” (and yes, there is an explanation for this, eventually) or “Well, isn’t this timing of events all so convenient…” (also yes, gets explained), feel free to air them in case it becomes a deal-breaker. Also, I found some lore type videos on youtube that I thought helped to explain some things I missed, especially ones connecting the story to other Remedy properties which I haven’t played, so chances are any questions you have will have occurred to others and will have been addressed somewhere.

For the record, I really did try to follow along and let it lead to wherever, whatever, but in the end, it made no sense to me. I had more lucid dreams when quitting smoking on chantix

I’m playing this on my 3080 and it’s gorgeous. Great raytracing effects, DLSS2 is incredible, sustaining over 90fps with everything on.

Fantastic game, I shouldn’t have waited. Nothing else to say that isn’t in the thread from last year!

Wait, there is one thing. People complained about load times. Either that’s just a console issue or they fixed it, because levels load in like 5 seconds for me.

It’s a console issue.

humblebrag :)

Nawwwwwwww… well, maybe a little.

Not so much a humblebrag as a bragbrag.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you could post at a higher rate of speed? See I have this super fast videocard and it’s like you’re in slow-mo.

I ordered an Inno3d 3080 which nobody is quite sure actually exists; certainly it doesn’t in Europe yet…

(grumble grumble O**rclockers eh, readers?)

Definitely is NOT a console issue. Load times on PC were awful for me. Someone said there is a DirectX setting you can change to make it better, but I could never find that option.

So tell me, guys: Am I a fool to have given up on this game right when I got to the Ashtray maze? I gather (from a bit of interior monologue) maybe you can’t solve it right away. But just as an indicator of how far through the game I was… I liked a lot of it, and loved the setting and atmosphere, but I just don’t enjoy the combat or the progression enough to want to wade through it to see the rest of the world. I mean, I even appreciated that the combat wasn’t packed into every room. But there’s just not much appeal to me of shooting things that much. Should I reconsider?

That’s pretty far in, I’m not at the point where you can actually solve the maze yet myself and I reckon I’m 2/3 through the game, trying to find your baby bro.

I’m really enjoying it but if you weren’t, it’s not like you don’t have other games saved in the backlog, right?

The actual run through the Ashtray Maze is right near the end of the basic game.

Getting the higher level powers opens up a lot of combat options mid to late game. You can throw people around, give yourself an exploding shield, fly… it’s pretty fun, as boring as the shooting mechanics were.

You know for all the hype and positive word of mouth this area received, I didn’t think it was that amazing.

Hearing people talk about it vaguely in advance let my imagination come up with theories on what it would be like, so the actual level wasn’t a cool surprise, but a thing I compared to expectations I’d built on no real info. Not ideal. Still fun, but not as meaningful as if I’d stumbled into it.