CONTROL - (Remedy Entertainment and 505 Games)

I’ve just dealt with a tv and am going to talk to a relative… about 10 hours in.

I thought I’d heard lots of complaints about the Ashtray Maze, but I just ran through it - that was awesome :)

Maybe compliments? The Astray Maze was a standout sequence.

Everyone who experienced it will use that exact phrase. ;)

Just don’t mistake the Ashtray Maze for a puzzle and try to get through it before the game wants you to. I wasted so much time running around those halls with that damned ashtray.

So, is there any way for me to actually like this game?
I’m so disappointed in both myself AND the game for not liking it. It seems everyone is raving about it, GOTY and all top lists, especially fwhen I got a PS5 to play on.

But… I… I… HATE it? Well, at least, I hate the enemy type. They really, REALLY, freak me out. I’m the same about zombie games, there’s something about the way zombies move, the body postures and the way they just lunge at you the way human enemies don’t really do that way. The enemies in Control are something like that.
I didn’t play farther than maybe the first 1-2 hours (in the building where you start), last year sometime.

It’s so annoying, cause I really want to like it and play it.
Any way the enemies get… erhm… more normal?

Enemies don’t get more “normal”, no. If anything, they’ll get weirder.

And it’s OK to not like the game. Just play something else you like and enjoy. Perhaps someday you’ll play it again and enjoy it. Perhaps not. That’s OK. Not even the “best game ever” works for everyone.

Control for me was… OK? I liked it, but by the end I was hoping it would end. It’s good, but as Remedy games go, Max Payne 2 is still by far my favorite.

I’m making my way through this (Thanks to PS+). It took me a while to find my groove with the combat system. It didn’t help that the first somewhat challenging encounter is in a red lit room with a bunch of red enemies attacking. I could barely make them out. And with very limited combat options, it felt a lot harder than it should have.

But as I got more weapons and abilities things started to feel manageable. I still think the game has a situational awareness problem. Death often comes fast and it’s hard to tell what’s hitting you.

I kind of dig the story and the lore? I just wish i wasn’t picking up scraps of paper every 3 feet. Seriously, I think 60 percent of the game is picking up a note, going to the menu, scrolling over to the collections tab, selecting the type of thing you just collected, selecting the thing, and then reading or watching it. It’s interesting, but it’s also too much which makes it tedious.

The quest and side quest system is pretty cool but for most of the game I had one to three things to work on and then suddenly there’s a deluge of side quest material. I think I’m getting near the end so my attention is more on the main story. The side quest stuff feels out of place at this point in the game.

Most of the bosses have been doable but there’s one from the DLC(?) that’s clearly in the “what the fuck were they thinking” territory.

It a pretty neat game but it’s starting to overstay its welcome.

You may have figured this out by now, but if you hold the menu button down in the 3 seconds or so immediately after you pick up the paper (while the prompt is still on the screen) it takes you directly to the info in your Collections tab. It’s still tedious, but a little less so. I really liked the lore, too, but man, there has got to be a better way of dealing with this than just having gameplay come to a screeching halt every time you find something.

I did not know that. Thanks for the tip!

CONTROL is one of my surprise favorite games in a long time, but after completing the game and moving on to DLC? (i’m not sure if/how the “Ultimate Edition” has DLC when… the DLC is still available for sale?) it just feels a bit small scale now. I’m glad i did wait till now to try it.

That was my exact problem on my first play through too.

You can turn on the aim assist & one shot kills cheat.

It won’t help with the problem, but it will make fights less miserable if you just want to explore the game.

This is one of those games I can’t wait to play on the Xbox XS. The frame rates were low on the Xbox One X and it gave me major motion sickness so after about two hours, I couldn’t play anymore.

Thanks, sometimes you just need to here something like this to let go and come back another time =)

Oh you know, I might just do that! It’s the world I want to explore and that seems cool to me

I did do this a little before shutting down for the night. When I fired it back up I registered the mission prompt clearly giving the mission location as being… somewhere else :)

I actually found that whole malarkey enough to dissuade me from reading 98% of that stuff. I felt I got the gist of the ‘lore’ from missions, monologues, the house etc. Maybe there was an entire story in there I missed :) I also didn’t go through any dialog trees. I also couldn’t generally make out what the janitor was saying. I guess I had a more impressionistic experience overall, but I don’t think I suffered :-)

Sure, I think they did enough of a good job explaining what was going on for players to get the gist of it. But I’m a fan of SCP Foundation stuff (which CONTROL was clearly inspired by), so reading that stuff was right up my alley. Honestly, that was the biggest letdown of the game for me- there’s were these cool-sounding, reality-warping objects, but most of them boiled down to crazy-physics when you actually had to interact with them. But I get it, they built a crazy physics engine, when all you have is a hammer, the whole world is a nail, etc, etc.

I finished my second play through, first time playing the DLC.

This is probably one of my favorite games in the last five years, easily. It’s not quite perfect, but I love almost everything about it.

I ran into two glitched side missions in “The Foundation” DLC, and had a hard crash in the middle of a big fight in that DLC too (all on the PS5), so that was a little frustrating, and if you’re going for achivements/trophies, The Foundation DLC also had some of the most tedious requirements, but generally this was a game where even chasing those extra achievements/trophies, hunting down collectibles, and doing every side mission was delightful.

The only things I haven’t completed at this point are the Jukebox and Shüm missions; in both cases I completed the first one by the skin of my teeth, and wasn’t ready to go back and try the harder missions.

Here are some screenshots I took.

Old technology is fun.

Reflections were worth the 30fps tradeoff for me.

This game does love the color red.

And industrially lit rocks/concrete/stone.

More images.

Having a normal one at the office.

Mood lighting.

A lazy shot, I didn’t go into photo mode, I just love the visuals of all these pneumatic tubes.

More normal office shenanigans.

I love the titles when you enter a new area.

Reflections for the win again. Significant moment but not really a spoiler unless you’ve already played enough to get there yourself. Spoiler-tagged just in case.

This one didn’t quite capture the instant I wanted it to—sometimes it seems like there’s a little bit of lag in hitting the share button and the frame it captures on the PS5—in the scene the reflection visible through the glass is more prominent. Also a spoiler.

Kickin’ it.