Coronavirus 2019

Holy fuck. We are doomed.

I just saw the pending charge, that’s what made my try and dispute it. I fired off an email maybe somebody is checking, and maybe I use that as evidence I tried to cancel. It’s not a lot in the grand scheme of things but things are getting a bit tight work wise.

“We will send over the police. With flamethrowers”.

Have someone record you calling them (at a distance, hold the phone out so that the number is seen, use speaker phone, social distancing, etc,etc). Stupid, but probably a solution.

I do think it is very wrong to be out and about, but it is ironic watching boomers stagger in disbelief that some young people don’t care about their health. You wrecked the planet and destroyed their future for some bux, don’t be so surprised when some young people give your generation the finger.

Flip side:
Do you want your gym to be able to pay it’s workers and be around when things calm down? If so, maybe keep paying them.

Of course, if they just fire all their employees anyway, then who knows.

The Rev. Lawrence Bishop, Solid Rock Church’s pastor, said during a live stream of the 10:30 a.m. service that those concerned with the public’s health would be better served protesting outside Planned Parenthood locations instead.

This does seem like the Tutorial level for Global Warming that Mother Nature is giving us before we face the real thing.

“use the W A S D keys to move the camera around”

“press the Left Mouse Button to select a unit”

“Make modest changes to your life style to avert an obvious catastrophe that is 3 weeks away”

Why aren’t they doing that? Were the instructions unclear?

New Avengers.

It must be an interesting time to be Dr. Fauci

Q: At Friday’s press conference, you put your hands over your face when President Trump referred to the “deep State Department,” [a popular conspiracy theory]. It’s even become an internet meme. Have you been criticized for what you did?

A: No comment.

This guy’s a freakin’ saint if ever I saw one…

We have some good people in government still, but Trump does everything he can to get rid of them. If Trump says turn right and the bus driver says we’ll go over a cliff if we turn right, Trump finds a new bus driver.

Would it surprise anyone if he dumped Fauci when the death toll rises and that the virus would be gone by not if he hasn’t listened to him?

Considering Trump talent for making any bad situation worse, no it wouldn’t surprise me. But, Trump has decent to good political instincts. He knows that firing the most trusted person in the country in the midst of a crisis would be bad for Trump’s re-election.

Terrorist attack that kills 50+
Eruption that kills 40 odd
Global pandemic

Quite a 12 months here in NZ

Imagine being a super accomplished man like Fauci and having to deal with the whims of a complete nothing like DJT.

It’s a disgrace.