Coronavirus 2019

Interesting suggestion from The Federalist. I wonder what their reporter Bre Payton would think about that idea?

As more celebrities or politicians die, I think it will slowly become real to the more stubborn idiots out there.

Like i’ve been saying, this virus can’t be BS’d through. The best they can do is blame someone else [a) china! b) liberal policies! c) liberal cities lol they’re all dying! d) liberal states lol they’re all dying! e) liberal principles oh no we’re sick how did the liberals do this!?], and then try to normalize the “reality” of it, ie well so many people died, what can you do?

But that reckoning is going to take time if it does happen because we just don’t know the outcome yet. I do think Cuomo hammering Trump recently is going to play badly with conservatives since they’ve been parading Cuomo praising Trump just a few days ago. They all know Trump is an idiot (Rep. Conaway calls him a “cheerleader”) but they still drink the coolaid anyway and still believe he’s doing the right thing, and it’s Democrats holding everything up.

When the finally tallies are counted, they aren’t going to BS their way through that.

Sadly I think Trump will find a way, to either cause enough doubt to divide the opposition, or shift the narrative, or do something similar, and do enough of it that his fanbase re-elects him anyway.

Truth and facts are malleable to him, we’ve all seen that.

I was in a virtual town hall with Conaway for almost an hour last night. He kept mentioning that Democrats were adding “riders” to the bills that were holding things up, like (and i’m going from memory) something about green energy-zero emmissions, and wind energy credits and that it was “typica Washington pork”. Anyone know what he was talking about?

Of course neither he nor anyone else mentioned the 500 billion dollar credit, basically it was 50% ppl on disability or SS asking what was in it for them if it was a “stimulus” but they were on fixed government income.

Seems like Senate Republicans are not on board with this massive giveaway to totally undeserving, lazy workers.

Maybe someone should tell them that ‘incentive to be laid off’ is gibberish. You can’t lay yourself off! And if you quit, you’re not eligible for unemployment benefits. No one is going to act on an incentive to get a temporary benefit, and no one can act on it anyway!

(Offered for informational purposes only, of course.)

First day of total lockdown in New Zealand.

To give them credit they know people will be home. I assume god provides a shield.

I fucked General Tsao’s chicken one time.

DeSantis on TV now. Spewing Trump shit like a second asshole.



Act 10 of the King in Orange should be starting soon too, for the sadists among us who enjoy testing our sanity in this way.

He’s going to kill us

Jesus fucking hell. This guy.

“Get back in the mine! The methane will only kill some of you.”

“My election success”. As always, all about him. He’d shove every last one of his deluded supporters in the incinerator to save his own worthless hide.

See how your ‘election success’ looks when the bodies are piled up in mounds, and the economy is still in the shitter, Donny boy.

What a grotesque lump of fatty tissue.