Cube world: Minecraft, sorta

I had really good times with the release version of Cube World.

Some experiences are better raw than the tamed one. Like how the paraglide thing got nerfed because people found ways to fly almost forever.

It looks like when CW is finnaly released will be a really cool game.

Yeah, should release in the same timeframe as Star Citizen. Exciting times ahead.


At this point we’re just being trolled.

Yeah, this guy is George RR Martin-level troll-master

You know what? That’s a great analogy! “It will be out when it’s done”.

that’s what this game is!! i knew it seemed familiar. it was actually quite fun, just the paraglide mechanic. i stopped playing as soon as he took that out

Dev says those who already bought will be receiving Steam keys.

Any mention of what decade they’d receive them?

I’m being snarky, but the question is genuine. :)

Now that you can’t keep changing a game’s release date due to new Steam rule changes, he left it as TBA. :D

Well I guess I’ll have to eat my hat. I really honestly never thought I’d see the day. I’ll wait to believe it until I see it, but still.

Of course, it’s possible that all this attention scares the pants off Wollay, who then retreats into his man cave and doesn’t come out again for another 6 years…

Well holy shit.

Some of you gents need to stream this when it releases.

You fucking know it.

The reddit was active all six years, with like one tweet every six months giving them hope. They kept the faith and it actually happened wow.

Hmm, I wonder what email address I was using when I bought it. Still though, this is good news.

I wondered the same thing.