Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

Ah, the one located in just one ripperdoc in the entire city after completing a specific mission. Rather than, say, helpfully spelled out in the enemy info scan screen.

Cheers at least, I’ll make note if I ever bother playing it again.

I’m a little bit confused by yout reation, because this seems like exactly the kind of thing we should have had more of :)

It’s something that encourages the player to use multiple tools rather than solve every combat encounter exactly the same way. It makes the various factions feel more unique. It’s lore that’s got gameplay significant but isn’t just force-fed to you by fish out of water dialogue.

My reaction was that the overall experience I was having was so buggy that I was unable to discern the difference between intent and accident, and that the UI was so poor as to make it impossible to tell the difference. Flavour text on a mod I didn’t even bother taking and only available long after I’d first observed this happening doesn’t cut it.

This could’ve been better communicated by just having the massive smart ‘crosshair’ state that target locking was jammed or something. Though it’d have still ended up on the trash heap because what else, exactly, suffers from this sort of weakness in the other systems & weapons in this poorly balanced game? Without that sort of tradeoff being ubiquitous, it doesn’t make smart weapons interesting, it just makes them suck.

(NB I kinda found the smart assault rifles to be spammy enough to totally mitigate this issue anyway)

Yeah, when i read that description, i made sure to get rid of that mod because i figured it would screw me over at some point.

You can buy a normal mod that does the same thing, without failing on the tygers

From what you’ve written, it seems you’ve misunderstood how that works (which is a point in favour of what I was saying).

Getting the tattoo smart mod makes you less likely to be hit by enemy smart weapons. It doesn’t affect you shooting at Tygers, some of which allegedly have the selfsame smart tattoo mod.

So, it doesn’t matter which smart mod you use (or even don’t use, since smart weapons still ‘work’ without), some Tygers deflect them and you’re not directly informed of why it is happening.

Ah, when i got it, i assumed that it would somehow stop your smart weapons from hitting tygers, so i dropped it… although ultimately i only used smart weapons for a Tricia’s part of the game. I mostly used tech weapons.

Smart weapons would be better if, well, they were…smarter? I hate the huge and totally unnecessary "aiming’ square, and the inability to add a silencer isn’t terribly helpful either. And it’s not like it’s hard to hit the enemy anyhow.

There’s always Skippy.

Ya know, in the two playthroughs I did, I never really used Skippy much. On one, admittedly, I did not get it until after I finished the main stuff, and was back tooling around. In the other run, though, I beelined for it and had it very early. It’s just that I was able to craft Epic and then Legendary versions of iconics and they all outperformed Skippy it seemed.

I put him up on my wall of iconic weapons so the return mission never triggered for me.

It kinda worked for Dallas… Kinda

I don’t know why, I suddenly part of the Cyberpunk marketing campaign: how in interviews they said the story wasn’t about saving the world, but about saving yourself.

I understood it as being a more personal, intimate story. Saving yourself = saving yourself from the vortex of senseless violence the city has you trapped? from the endless struggle and dehumanization of this setting? Something like that.

But it literally was about saving yourself, in the most mundane meaning you are dying so you want, like, not to die.

Besides running and jumping, is there a better/faster way to upgrade athletics? I’m trying to get to level 6 so I can carry more junk, but it is taking FOREVER.

Yea, I haven’t found a good way to do it - not being a melee class. I imagine it goes up if you punch things.

Physically open any door that requires a body check - even if you found another way around it.

Same goes for Tech checks. Someone said upthread what a joy it is to find a room filled with mines, which raises Tech experience if you physically dispatch them.

The XP gain is linked to the amount of stamina you deplete. So the best way is to eat +max stamina boost drug and drink something for the increased stamina regen and just… punch the air as you run from gig to gig. Use heavy punches as they deplete the stamina bar quickest. If you set up that 1sec click toggle macro from the crafting nonsense I mentioned previously, it will work well for this.

NB it will still take forever and be an utterly joyless and boring experience.

Yea I mentioned it way upthread that one of the completely half-baked things in this game is that you can’t realistically gain Athletics through normal gameplay. I sprinted everywhere all game and swung a sword (which uses stamina) at every one of thousands of enemies and ended up at maybe Athletics 6. I had a number of skills at 20 for reference. Based on my playstyle there was no realistic way my Athletics could have possibly been higher. I’d get it if I’d been driving everywhere and using guns, but I wasn’t.

They just never noticed I guess.

But if you just want a solution I can offer you two: You can cheat and use a console command to just level it to where you think it would be if a competent Athletics exp system existed. Or you can install one of Berserk mods, go into berserk mode, break into a sprint, SLIDE and open your character screen and just let it sit there for a bit. The game assumes you are sliding infinitely and keeps racking up the exp and for whatever reason in this instance it goes very quickly. I think you can max it to 20 in about 4-5 minutes with this method, go make a sandwich or something.

They are both equally cheat-y in my mind but I can’t offer you another solution other than to use an autoclicker and leave your computer on punching the air overnight.

It hearkens back to Morrowind, when I would run into the water before bed, weigh down my W key, and wake up to 100 Athletics. Physical solutions to cheesing game systems are part of a rich tradition in gaming.

Wow, a true exercise simulation at last.

Glad to hear it wasn’t sloppy design, just an homage to Morrowind!

On the topic of levelling someone way upthread suggested hacking every vending machine you run by as there is no downside and it keeps gaining you experience in the relevant area.

I started doing that when I was playing and it worked but just added to the overall tedium of playing this game.