Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

Investing in improving the game will bring new customers and will help sell future DLC.

Would have been so epic if they’d gotten Kelsey Grammer to do the voiceover (or a better sound-alike).

The words to the song are also those to the closing song “Tossed salads and Scrambled Eggs.” And they did a great job reproducing Martin’s chair (RIP John Mahoney, originally from Manchester-- assuming that Daphne’s canonical home town was an homage to that).

Finally picked up the new xbox and this game. So far the bugs I’ve encountered are all audio. Background sounds 100% volume important dialog 5%

Have no idea what I’m doing or what I should be upgrading, but I do like just walking around in the world.

$20 at Gamestop. XBONE or PS4

Great deal if you have an XSX or PS5. I don’t think it’ll ever play well on last gen hardware.

I do have one of those, but will I ever have the time to play it is the question. It is tempting though. But I’m sure there will be a similar sale this November/December. There always is.

$20 is tough to beat for a recent game. It’s only that cheap because xbone and PS4 can’t actually play it.

It’s worth $20 for a good 100 hours of linear gameplay in an interesting setting but it does nothing revolutionary or has any depth with many of its systems (looting, skills) still broken or incomplete.

Welcome back you big lug.

“SIE can confirm that Cyberpunk 2077 will be re-listed on PlayStation Store starting June 21, 2021,” a Sony spokesperson said in an email. “Users will continue to experience performance issues with the PS4 edition while CD Projekt Red continues to improve stability across all platforms. SIE recommends playing the title on PS4 Pro or PS5 for the best experience.”

I think I can still manage to hold out for the expected PS5 version of the game rather than play this one on the PS5. It’ll give them a chance to iron out even more of the glitches.

Got to be the crash fixes that did it. CP2077 reportedly crashed a ton on Playstation, but not Xbox or PC.

Is it time to re-install ?

If you’re on PS4 Pro or PS5 and stopped playing due to crashes, probably.

If you’re on a base PS4 probably not.

If you waited this long, might as well wait a bit longer. I know I will.

Perks still completely broken and unaddressed.

Based upon what I have read, I think it’s really going to be 6 months to a year before it’s really whipped into shape.

This is where I’d really like to have more detail in the roadmap. I feel it’s probably in good enough shape bugs wise to jump back in, but if they’re going to do any serious work on systems then I want to hold off. But I just don’t know if they will.

They’re fixing little bugs and putting out little fires when the underlying game (see the unlootable placement of objects everywhere) is fundamentally broken.

That’s the problem with games releasing with so many technical problems. Outriders is another example. It has a lot of glaring gameplay/balance issues with only a few viable skills but they’ve had to spend the couple months since release fixing inventory wipe bugs and other really bad issues like that.