DON'T GIVE UP, an RPG I made inspired by 2 years of depression and my anti-social nature comes to Switch 4/8/2021!

I thought we agreed you were going to talk about how awesome I am. Anyway, tacocat - can I call you tacocat? I love that band - let me give you the lay of the land.

You came on the scene in a blaze of glory, which, by the way, mad props to you. But it attracts attention, both positive and the other way. So, you can expect to catch some shit. More to the point, expect us primates to fling shit at you until we move on to something else, like when loot crates are coming back to Battlefront 2 or something.

In the meantime, sit tight and take it in good humor, because I assure you nobody means anything by it, we’re mostly amusing ourselves and taking our mind off our myriad old man problems like our bad knees and the balloon payment coming due on our mortgage. Like Confucius said, it’s all good. Let’s have a beer and play a video game.

I personally will be shocked if this person is still here in a few months. But who knows. Anything is possible I guess.

That’s the spirit!

It’s what we do here.

Million dollar idea: carbonated iced tea.



you’re right, i failed you,
divedivedive is the single most impressive person i’ve ever met*

I definitely expected to catch some shizzle, but I like it, if you guys put this much passion into dumping on me- just imagine when we’re arm and arm skipping about!

i actually think you guys are rather chill, protecting your community and what not! it’s the only way to keep the cluttery garbage out amirite? (ok, well, actually i wasn’t including myself in that statement ;D)

I actually enjoy the brisk flavored iced tea, so I would totally endorse carbonation, but I guess that would just make it soda at that point wouldn’t it?

*on these forums in a period spanning less than 48 hours >.>

Why is this not a thing?
Is this a thing?

Honestly, I don’t know why it’s not. Lipton used to offer it, but no more.

Lipton sparkling iced tea. Available in several flavours.

Disclosure : I work for the people who make Lipton.


On the subject of beverages, I suggest that everyone drink Polar flavored Seltzer water. Very good flavors, no calories, no sweeteners at all, artificial or otherwise.

Could you please tell them to do something about this, then?


Same thing on Amazon

But is it sweet or unsweet?

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 12 years since I contacted Tom and asked him about whether it would be ok to promote my RPG on the forum.

I believe cold tea is an abomination against god’s will, so I don’t know.

you guys have it all wrong, it’s all about the Dasani Raspberry Lemonade Sparkling Water, I was all about the La Croix until I tried one this week, CONVERTED.

Well, it’s been discussed at least. Keita Takahashi, the Katamari designer… his answer was fucking awesome. His slide deck was the best - I remember that talk very clearly.

Russia and USA build self learning computers to control the nuclear missile program, after many simulations learning from the outcomes, they decided that instead of firing the nukes, to decide the winner with a game of chess.

Humans and humans reactions are simply too slow. So now war is a thing machines do, in virtual rooms inside the memory of computers.

But this would only solve world peace. I think world peace is a easy to reach goal and less important than healing humanity soul. The state of humanity is somewhat like depression. Humanity can’t summon care for anything, so believe in nothing, or believe in very specific lies that are demostrable false. Cynism. A type of cynism that is prey for con-artist.

Maybe videogames are not the best way to do this. Videogames have very littel agency, they use a lot of space to be good games, it leaves very little for the message or focus. And can’t be very complex, or would be too hard to play. And videogames are a big time inversion that many people just don’t have. So maybe movies are a better way to heal humanity.

These people are on it!

Fucking big tea industrial complex stole my idea, man.