Dark Souls 3

Me too! It’s a great feeling. I still have a tendency to check a guide or wiki after I’ve “completed” an area, just to make sure I didn’t miss any essential path/loot/illusory wall. But, I think I may abandon that strategy soon, since I’ve been making my way pretty thoroughly on my own.

Haha! I’m starting to slow down after that initial burst, but I must say, I’m feeling very much in the flow with this one. With DS2 I was consistently running into mechanical/gameplay roadblocks, and I never felt 100% comfortable with it as a result.

DS3 feels much better. But that may just be a result of having played soo many of these games back to back to back. Gitting Gud at Bloodborne probably helped a lot too.

Yeah…F that guy. That little courtyard is a pretty cool area. There are plenty of sidepaths you can run down to avoid that lumbering monstrosity.

Dooo it! This is going to be the place to be all summer ; )

You’re a Dark Souls veteran so you don’t need to hear it from me, but those knights are no joke, so try not to get discouraged. I spent the better part of two play sessions trying to master them (there is one particular red-eyed blue-caped knight I’m sure I spent two hours on…completely optional, btw). Shields (for enemies as well as the player) feel a bit buffed in this one, or maybe the enemy AI is better.

I found the shield kick a bit too inconsistent to use against those knights. It works better with less dangerous enemies. I liked to bait them into an attack and then follow up with a quick strike, or circle around to the left and hit them with a side blow. Later, when I felt more comfortable, I would open up with a jumping R2, or, if I had mana, I’d use my special ability to uppercut their shield away.

Have you used any of the special weapon abilities yet?

You should have an easier go at them as the Knight with that amazing starting shield. The longsword is no joke either.