Dark Souls 3

So here’s what I don’t understand: after getting wrecked by the archer knights, I decided to glance at a map to see if the item I had been going for was even worth it (answer: no). However I Saw Too Much and discovered the path to the sekrit boss. Disconnected from my original colon, what I don’t understand (and haven’t been able to google) is this: how in the world did anyone find that in the first place? Just trying everything, maybe? The room is certainly suggestive, and I guess the ring does mention the city. Still. Obtuse!

If it’s the area I think you are talking about there are often messages on the floor telling you something is going on there. You are talking about the area where Anri loses it all in DS3?

What item are you going for?

No sorry, DS3 is done for me (unless anybody needs co-op help). I’ve been crapping up the thread with my DS1 posts because this is where all the cool kids hang out.

I don’t know which way you went with the Anri storyline, but the same area involved in part of her storyline is used for a boss fight in DS1. It is the circular room with a bonfire in DS1. In DS3 there is no bonfire and you approach it originally from a different direction. I am trying not to spoiler anything from either game.

Ohhh, neat, yeah, I didn’t even recognize it when I went through there this morning in 1 (I did go “that way” with Anri’s questline, and as I recall there were some signs on the floor). It does look like a bonfire should go there! I remember thinking that, but of course I had no DS1 memories to fall back on.

Going through 1 after 3, I do think it’s the stronger game, although 3’s sense of grandeur is unmatched by any other entry in the series, in my opinion. I would be very curious if that would change if they went back and totally redid 1 in the 3 engine with redone art assets, etc.

The improvement in graphics are pretty obvious in DS3 and they took advantage of it. Although back n the day the first time you are dropped into Anor Londo it is pretty amazing.

The thing you can do in that room is probably better left for later in the game. There is something you need to do first before entering the room that changes things.

Well, it was still pretty great yesterday, I can tell you.

So I put a summon sign down in two different locations in the Ringed City and ended up getting summoned to the Church of Fillianore as the boss. Holy crap. I knew it could happen but twice in about 30 minutes? Oh yea, I got beat both times. You can’t heal so you are really at a disadvantage. You do get magic missile though. Big whoop.

In the OG Demon’s Souls version as you boss you could totally heal. It could turn into a total shit show.

I think I fought the boss/player for over 40 minutes one time because they kept healing. Neither of us could really do enough damage for a kill fast enough and unlike Dark Souls you could have hundreds of consumable healing items. HUNDREDS!

As long as you put up a good fight, that’s the important thing! Helping someone on their way, in a manner of speaking. I loved my turns as the Spear of the Church, even though I got beaten both times.

Both routes for me are kind of hard. I wish I had better armor, so that I could take a few hits. The enemies do so much damage now, both in Smouldering Lake and in Ithryl of the Boreal plains, I can be going along, doing fine, and then make a mistake and I’m dead.

I miss Havel’s armor from the first game. I wish I had it now.

As a summons you can use healing spells, but not estus. Also I think had I knew it was coming I could have added a Divine Blessing, which would have given me one healing. DS2 had lots of healing consumables but DS3 doesn’t.

You get an opportunity to get it later. But there are other choices just as good. Armor really is the least part of the DS3 equation. The biggest is the ability to roll, followed by patience and a weapon that does at least decent damage.

I have never used it but I think that is considered one of the best weapons in the game when leveled up.

Yea, the problem with Friede is getting into that third stage with enough Estus.

I still have this installed, FYI, although I wonder if my reflexes are still up to par after 20 hours of DS1.

Reinstalled on my new PC and I plan on buckling down and doing my best to finish off the ringed city. My souls journey is near its end, and I’m feeling a little melancholy about it. And more than a little lost re: gaming.

Maybe i’ll give Nioh or Ashen a shot. I hear the new star wars game out in November is taking some cues from dark souls.

Playing different genres has helped (Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, Oxygen Not Included), but the hole left from dark souls is not easily filled.

To be honest, I’ve been dragging my feet playing Demon’s Souls only sporadically, just because I don’t want any of this to end.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll announce some Sekiro DLC soon. And there’s monster hunter iceborn to look forward to…

Did you also play Lords of the Fallen yet? And The Surge?

I only started The Surge, it’s kind of neat, a science fiction spin on the Souls formula.

Lords of the Fallen I quite enjoyed. It’s definitely much easier than the Souls games, but it had it’s own unique atmosphere and gameplay spin.

In my experience, the biggest performance killer with laptops is heat.

Lords of the Fallen is no Dark Souls, but if you play it based on it’s own merits it is enjoyable.

That changes when you get out of the Dreg Heaps. It gets quite flowery in spots.