DC - Titans - “F*** Batman!”

Yet another reason I wish I lived north of the border ;)

Same in UK. I’m about to jump in.

Right. It’s 1:30am. 3 episodes have passed in a blink. This is quite something.

I’m not totally on board with the grim dark as it currently stands. But the whole setting and story are so strange and yet engaging that I can’t stop watching. I want to see them all get together. I want at least some answers.

The show is deliciously more-ish. I’m quite sure it will be binged quite quickly.

Excellent fun.

So the offshoot did Titans started this week called Doom Patrol, featuring the characters seen in an early episode of Titans.

The first episode was really strong and I loved it. Really impressed with the quality of these DC shows. Nice to see Brendan Frazier in something again.

I ended up being mostly positive on Titans and Doom Patrol just had an excellent start. I was briefly confused by the actor switch with Dalton but no complaints.

Second episode of Doom Patrol was one of the weirdest hours in tv I’ve seen in some time. Loved every minute of it. Very funny. Alan Tudyk is awesome as the villain and narrator.

This second episode was great, for sure. I was laughing so hard when robot man was chasing the donkey and trying to explain to the other robot man.

Man, I loved Grant Morrison’s run on DP back in the '90s, and to a (much) lesser extent Rachel Pollack’s run after him. Does anyone know of this show borrows from any of that?

Huh. I’ve watched about half the season of this over the past week, and I am positively surprised. I had no expectations going in, and one of the things that strikes me is that it really manages to combine a plot that has drive and expanding on the world.

I assume that since this is the the inaugural show for the DC streaming service and there’s been one spin-off already it is intended to launch an extended universe for all their shows, and I think it is working. The grittier feel from the Arrowverse works a lot better than I thought it would. These people should be in charge of their movies.

It’s back. Very weird episode. Half wrap up and half looking forward. Interesting to see where it goes. I think I like the interpretation of Batman.

Edit: also, semmed like a LOT of retconning in the season 2 premiere

I keep expecting Disney is going to buy DC.

That episode was originally filmed as the S1 finale but they held it for the S2 premiere.

Makes sense! More than that though, it seems like the showdown against Trigon was rushed through. Like the showrunners decided it wasn’t something they were really interested in, so they just pushed reset. It felt like a finale and a premier were sawed together, and because of that neither half felt satisfying.

Then add in the fact that all of a sudden the Titans had been a team in the past is something that I never remember being alluded to in the first season.

Little nervous that as the team gets expanded some of the focus will be lost, and that introduction of characters like Super Boy will take away from the relatively “grounded” aspect of the first season.

This sums up a lot of my thoughts nicely:

Ooh, looking forward to when it hits a streaming service over here.

Good article about some of the narrative issues in the last couple episodes: https://screenrant.com/titans-season-2-robin-jericho-plot-hole-explained/amp/

This show is really starting to lose me.

This is back today with 3 new episodes on HBOMax. If you’ve never seen it and have HBO Max, it’s worth a watch. Doom Patrol is better, but this is easier to ‘get into.’ Hard R rating though, not for kids.

I finally watched season 3. Did not care for it at all. They leaned way too heavily on the worst Batman universe macguffin there is and then was totally inconsistent in its portrayal. The whole premise was set up by Bruce Wayne being the most stupid version of himself possible. I thought the first two seasons were decent but this season? So bad in so many ways.

I caught it a few months back, ran through the three seasons that are out in about two weeks.

I agree season 3 is a little all over the place, but I really liked the show and I’m looking forward to season 4.