DC's Legends of Tomorrow

That’s odd. I whitelisted CW and after that they don’t seem to care I’ve got AdBlockPlus as it now won’t block their stuff. My son uses UBlock, and that actually blocks most of their commercials (he gets a hissy-fit from CW maybe once a month).

I use a Plex channel to watch CW shows. No pay, no commercials. Of course, I’ve heard that’s being discontinued at some point, but until they kill it I’m sticking to it.

Looks like something weird going on specifically with Amazon, as you also can’t purchase past seasons of the show digitally from them either.

My iTunes season pass for this season is still working; last week’s episode, first one back from the break is available, and presumably tonight’s episode will be there tomorrow. You can still buy all the previous seasons on iTunes as well.

JustWatch shows it being available from pretty much everyone except Amazon.


Well a happy ending on this for me: Amazon now has the episodes available for me to buy, plus a season pass. And since I spent $16 on the first 8 episodes, they will sell me the remaining episodes for the balance of the Season Pass cost of $9. Now I have a couple of episodes to watch.

I’m guessing there was some contractual hardball happening behind the scenes but they appear to have worked it out.

My first guess is just a screw-up somewhere, and now I’m wishing I’d looked at the other Arrow-verse shows on Amazon when I looked up this one the other day.

Seems like a really random and relatively low-profile thing to get caught in any sort of intentional distribution negotiations.

But glad it’s back for you either way! I should really get caught up.

The crossover episodes make this show more fun to watch. Not caught up on newer season.

This promo teaser for next week’s Legends is amazing. Whoever added that little scooter bell sound deserves a raise.

That looks fantastic, LOL

Just watched last week’s episode. The Mister Rodgers take-off was fantastic. Wait until you see what they did with the trolley.

If anyone is looking for something to binge, I highly recommend Legends. Skip season 1, but everything else is fantastic.

We just started season 5, and its way off compared to the previous seasons. The intro is harsh loud annoying music, and the mood is completely changed - Its very serious most of the time, and they even kill people now.

Its a shame, because I really enjoyed the lightheartedness about the show previously, but it feels like a new showrunner and/or direction this season, and its not to my liking.

Wow, that’s completely not my take on it. Far as I’m concerned, there’s still plenty of campy superhero shenanigans. There are demons and hell and such, but I don’t see that as a serious detraction. But to each their own, no one sees anything exactly the same way.

I think that adding John Constantine changed the dynamic a bit. You cant make Constantine campy, it would destroy the character. So there is definitely a darkness to the show with him around. That being said, the show still maintains its campy esthetic through the other characters and I feel that the darkness that Constantine brings help make that stand out even more. Unfortunately, it looks like this week is the end of Ray Palmer and Nora Darhk’s run with the Legends and that’s going to be a tough one. Ray’s boy scout enthusiastic attitude is a big part of the show.

Wait, they added Constantine to this? The same dude that was in the (too-short-lived) TV show and popped up on Arrow? Why did no one mention this?

It happened 2 seasons ago, didn’t it?

Oh, and Lucifer is part of all of this as well.

This is insane!

That was one crazy episode. The Star Trip bit was hilarious. All those crew androids in their shorts, har!

This show is like eating cotton candy for dinner. I appreciated the opening titles for Abbey/Neighborhood, and Mr. Constantine the butler was fantastic.

That episode was a microcosm of what makes the show a blast. There were so many great bits, like Sara’s Shatner like delivery and even Mick Rory’s superbly coiffed Khan wannabe. And all of this was wrapped in a 1984 style dystopian reality. Embrace the insanity is The Legends motto. Oh and when did Zari become so damned hot?

Since always, man. I can never decide which is the hottest legend, Tala Ashe or Maisie Richardson-Sellers.