Death Stranding doesn't just have Norman Reedus. It has everyone!

A film would be way too short a medium for Kojima. Maybe a mini-series? A lot less people would be willing to sit through it though, without some enjoyable gameplay dangling as a reward for making it through those scenes.

“In the future, Kojima Productions will start making films,” Kojima said.

Being honest, I’d rather watch Death Stranding than play it.

And that, folks, is how you explain Twitch.

that is so stupid on a certain level.

“What do you get if you cross a lunatic gamemaking loner genius with a movie camera crew?
You get what you fucking deserve!”

I can see him doing some kind of experimental interactive live theater combined with video with a really crazy scenario/props - anyone see The Man Who Knew Too Little with Bill Murray? Something like that only Kojima Krazy.

Maintaining The Mystery: To Avoid Spoiling ‘Death Stranding,’ Kojima Productions Has Canceled The Game At The Last Minute

Am I the only one who thinks a Kojima movie would be fucking terrible?

You might be right, but it’s probably fair to ask if a Kojima movie would be as fucking terrible as a Kojima game?

No. You’re not the only one. I think Kojima would make/is a terrible filmmaker.

Would probably give Uve Boll a run for his money, though.

I don’t know if it would be terrible, but I think it would be worse than his games.

Look how well it turned out for Chris Roberts.

I think if he makes a movie it’s going to be a monumental Spirits Within-level flop.

His insane storylines have always been the most visible part of his work, but his true genius is in innovative gameplay. He came up with a lot of cool systems: Camouflage, CQC, “capture-anyone and steal anything” base-building, etc.

Also, being able to force enemies into surrendering at gunpoint! Holy crap, there’s hundreds of shooters and dozens of stealth games, why does no one else do this? (except maybe SWAT4)

Holy crap, I just watched that Giant Bomb quick look, this is an amazing … something.

“This pizza wants to remain horizontal at all times. If I pick this up, it immediately takes damage.”

Not surprised that all the mainstream outlets are gushing over this because Kojima!!11! but if you step back and look at the actual, you know, GAME play of the game it appears to be hot garbage. The CNET review is by far one of the funniest although I’ve read half a dozen from various outlets that don’t imbibe the kool-aid and are fairly scathing. You need some actual gameplay in your game which apparently was a bit of an afterthought unless you consider a Fed-Ex Delivery Simulator to be the apex of game design in 2019. It is almost like Kojima is purposefully trolling and seeing how much BS he can get away with by taking one of the oldest gaming memes the much maligned ‘fetch quest’ and wrapping an entire game around it.

Knowing what I know about the general slant of the readership here I’m certain that it will get rave reviews because if you understand, like, true art man… then… you will just GET IT man. emote: tips fedora and applies beard oil

I’ll just leave this here, the CNET review is comical… “Stockholm Syndrome: The Game”. LMAO… I’m glad there is still some sanity out there in the world of poseurs and water-carriers.

I don’t know, in the Polygon review I linked above, they made the actual gameplay sound very interesting.

So it’s a big budget QWOP, basically.

I had to google that. But now that I know what that is, yes, Death Stranding does indeed sound like a big budget QWOP.

The Kotaku review made me really want to try it too. As far as I know none of us in this thread have played it yet, but the consensus here seems to be that reviewers are buying into Kojima hype and inflating scores for a game they don’t like.

Maybe! I sure haven’t played it. But to me it sounds more like this game doesn’t slot nicely into the existing AAA templates, so it’s hard to talk about without spending a lot of time talking about how weird and frustrating it can be. But that for at least a few reviewers, the payoff is worth it, and the weirdness is worth celebrating.

Count me as still excited.