Dem Debate Tonight—Socialist Distancing Edition (BASICALLY STARTING NOW)

I think I saved myself an 1+ hours by only watching the first 45 minutes of this.

Bernie should drop out now. Frankly, it is dangerous to make folks go to the polls, and especially dangerous to ask older American like myself and several of my friends to serve as poll workers.

I am extremely concerned about poll workers! Every one I have seen is high risk category!

I was hoping Biden and Bernie would announce they have agreed on a delay to setup absentee or mail in or whatever in its place!

At this point, Biden should go over Bernie’s head and see what AOC is willing to ask for and work with her- she has more sense and is just as popular.

Well he did commit to a female running-mate 😏

She isn’t 35, or close to it.

My money is on Stacy Abrams. She ticks almost every box Biden could want in a running mate.

I totally forgot there was going to be a debate. After reading that Washington Post opinion piece linked above, it sounds like I missed Bernie tanking and Biden being very Presidential.

Everyone who is pro-Abrams, would you want to elect her president? Biden could go downhill fast so my concern is whoever he picks for VP better be someone super extra-qualified to be president. I don’t know much about Abrams but it seems like she’s mostly a local politician without a ton of experience?

I’m rooting for Palin with Harris as a close 2nd.

jic /s

Look at our current president. Literally anyone else would be better. I would be comfortable with a local librarian being elected.


Sigh. I am with you and I will vote for whoever is nominated.

My question still stands as posted.

Stacey Abrams was Democratic Leader in Georgia’s House of Representatives for 6 years so that’s a fairly significant amount of state level experience. She was a state rep in Georgia for 11 years in total. No national level experience but IMO she has enough state level experience, and in a sizable state, to be qualified.

There is also a palpable AOC - Bernie Sanders chilliness going on right now, even if neither will say as much specifically.

AOC doesn’t want to hitch her wagon to a losing horse.

You need to be pretty stubborn to stay attached to socialism through all the time Bernie has, when socialism means what it means in the US. Unfortunately, being stubborn is both good and bad, depending on the situation…

I like Abrams, but probably Harris is a more qualified and ready choice, and Harris’s current Senate seat ought to be safe enough.

Actually, the one thing I admire about Bernie is his commitment to what are the best policies for the vast majority of people despite how unpopular that commitment and those policies have been made by the propaganda of the ruling class.

If you believe some reports, she was not super-thrilled with Bernie getting an endorsement from Joe Rogan. Not so much the endorsement itself, but the fact that Team Sanders talked it up. She’s apparently not a fan, for some obvious reasons.

The major advantage to Abrams over Harris is the state she presumably brings to the table. California is no issue, whereas bringing Georgia (assuming she did) would be pretty momentous.